In-Game Emotes Menu

I have to say, I was surprised when this got enabled,I thought it was going to be something bad but actually seems to be a pretty nice addition now.

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Please move discussion about copyright and similar game mechanics between games to another relevant topic.

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See above. This announcement is for gathering feedback and issues about the feature on Roblox.

Oh no - Doom 2016 uses a weapon wheel that looks awfully like Fortnite’s emote wheel! MUST BE A COPY!!!

Honestly, using the argument that something is a copy just because you dislike it is a silly thing to say. Radial menus can’t really distinguish themselves very much, and reading the recent replies regarding the “copying” of Fortnite’s emote wheel is a bit silly honestly.

It’s not legitimate criticism, as tons of other games have a very similar emote system. Take Garry’s Mod “Murder” gamemode for instance. Exact same concept but without icons.

In general though, the update has potential to be good - I think most developers will fork the emote wheel, though I’m not entirely sure honestly.


Can you guys disable this keybind if we choose to disable the emotes button from the top bar, or with any of the other existing APIs?


If you disable the Emotes Menu then the keybind will be disabled.

However we have re-evaluated the value of adding the keybind based on feedback and we are going to remove the keybind for the release of the feature.

An official update is coming soon which aims to clarify some confusion around the feature and respond to some of the other most common points of feedback that we have received on this feature.


They won’t, for all that I know of. They’re all R15 based and they’ll probably not work if someone tries using them with R6.

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Will this support more than 8 animations?
I would use this for my custom emotes but I got more than 8 so… :smile:

EDIT: Oh and I need R6 support aswell.


Hopefully this will support more than eight emotes. I would love to use this in my game but I have eleven emotes. Also, will these animations support R6?


Also, I don’t like where the menu is on the screen. It interferes with my custom icons and then the emotes menu doesn’t appear at all. Pretty annoying.

They still could’ve distinguished it to make it more fitting to Roblox. Their icon choice (lookalike people) is questionable. The least they could’ve done is make it more genuine and use characters that represent Roblox (R15, imo). As of now, it looks like a copy that was somehow made worse than the original.

Unrelated, but why is the team not able to produce UIs that are consistent with each other, and the rest of the platform? The avatar context menu, pause menu, emotes menu, social invite menu (which, imo, looks horrific) all have seemingly different designs that don’t look like they fit together. It’s really unprofessional looking


An idea would be to make this part of the Roblox Beta Program before its fully released for testing purposes.


This seems very interesting and I am looking forward to see how it turns out. This could be a good fit for some games in which others will enjoy!

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Can you guys design the UI for this like you did with the chat, where you can play solo and copy it, then fork your own copy by just changing the raw code and overwriting the default one? I think this could be useful in some games, but it’s certainly not a feature the majority devs want to see in their games unless they get to implement it themselves (I don’t think).

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If you fork the module (which I recommend more than using it’s API: works with topbar off, lets you control the keybind/topbar icon, etc.), you can specify however many emotes you want

I believe the UIs are done by different teams, but yes, that is a pretty big problem

Step 1. Copy it from CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules
Step 2. Make a few changes
Step 3. Disable the default one
Step 4. Profit???


Dangit I just added a complicated emote system to my game. At least have an option to disable it.

I appreciate the fact that Roblox is adding new content consistently and qualitatively, but this really isn’t it. I do agree with the other developers saying that this will impact monetization. I think emotes, in general, should be left for the developers to work with independently.


Personally I disagree with Roblox trying to go the “Fortnite route” of things. Especially with the recent R-Thro update, and this combined, it does NOT fit the Roblox theme. It seems like such a rash decision made for the sole intent to hop on this bandwagon, and honestly, it disappoints me. Roblox would rather destroy their design consistency than just be it’s own thing.


Adding on to my previous post, this style should also be applied to the thumbnails of the emotes on the website and in-game emote wheel. Even though we know this is a Roblox character, it just doesn’t fit in with the rest of the thumbnails on the website.
As a side note for the emote wheel UI: It would be nice to remove the fade and outlines, make it look simpler like the rest.


Hey developers,

We’re actively reading your feedback, and now we’re going to address some of the common points we’ve seen so far.

  • Giving developers notice
    We did not intend for this update to be disruptive to games and we believed our notification timing was appropriate, we will take the learnings from this and in the future look to give developers a larger heads-up on developer-impacting updates such as this.

  • R6 support
    R6 is part of Roblox’s identity and legacy. Unfortunately, it’s a serious drain of our resources to create features that are continuously backwards-compatible with R6 now that R15 is the dominant choice for both players and games. With that said, new Emotes likely won’t be compatible with R6, but the default emotes will be staying.

  • Other platforms have Emotes, too
    Allowing players to express themselves using animations and Emotes has been an aspect of multiplayer video games for a long time. Roblox itself has had many Emotes for several years (such as /e dance1-3, /e wave, etc.) - this is just an expansion of that collection and an easier way to access them.

  • We overrode the ‘B’ key
    This was something we thought would be fine, but turned out to be quite inconvenient; a key that wasn’t intrusive - but after briefly enabling the menu, we became aware that this wasn’t the case. We’re working to give developers all of the tools we can to ensure that the Emotes feature is compatible with all Roblox experiences. Additionally, we’re going to remove the hotkeys (both the ‘B’ key and DPadDown) for this feature’s future release.

  • Roblox’s focus
    Roblox has many different teams, usually working on different things at a time. A lot of features are smaller parts of a larger project. One update being released does not mean that any resources were taken from other updates or that we’re neglecting something else in favor of expanding our Emote feature.

  • Monetization
    Roblox releasing a feature that has the potential to make money does not necessarily take that ability away from developers. Our drive is to push the platform further towards increased user-generated content and less Roblox-generated content. Preventing developers from making their own Emotes would be contrary to that vision. Further, the primary purpose of Emotes is not to make money, rather to provide a fun way for players to express themselves in-game.

We hope this post helps to clarify some of the confusion and negativity. We did not intend for this update to be disruptive and we will use this situation to ensure that future releases are communicated more effectively and considered more thoroughly.

Developer Relations


Main question about monetisation though:

  • Will Roblox be selling emotes?

Other than that, great response.