In what ways can you pass data over game servers on the server

There are many ways to pass data, however to my knowledge client sided. I may be ignorant on how to use things like GetTeleportData or GetJoinData functions, but I cannot figure out a way to pass data from server to server, server-sided.

I believe you can use MessagingService for this

MessagingService API

I get the jist of that, but how do you send data to specific servers? Or make specific topics per server? I wanted to make like, the person who teleported to said server sends some data over. Is there a way to do that?

Why not use TeleportService’s TeleportData?

According to this article, the methods are server sided if you teleport via the server. Idk exactly how secure they are currently, but I think they’re secure enough.

I’ve tried doing that but the page of :GetJoinData() is very confusing and pulls variables out of nowhere that make 0 sense to me. And what I tried doing what they posted the data I passed didn’t get received and it prints “nil” in the script.

I re-read the article like 4 more times and got the basics of it. It works a little but however I must fiddle more.

Don’t you just set the TeleportData field and then call the Player:GetJoinData() method to get the table.

The returned table has 3 indexes, but the one you specifically want is Table.TeleportData

If you have a code sample please do post it.