Increasing Server Memory Experiments

exceedingly rare roblox W



My primary concern is server categorization, but generally what I think what a lot of us are seeking is to know what data falls under a given label. Many of the labels in the memory tab of the devconsole on both client and server (more so under the CoreMemory section) are either too broad, or use internal engine terminology that has not been officially documented. This isnā€™t super helpful for us when we are searching for leaks that we have caused under these labels. A more specific breakdown of what causes each category to increase in size would be extremely helpful in diagnosing these leaks.


Can you guys add an Analytics to track activity of coroutines individually as well as debug.trackActivity(Thread) or somethingā€¦?

Is needed to fix these memory leaks, at least in my case. There isnā€™t much memory being consumed and increasing to the point of crash, but rather some coroutines that seem to be doing some stuff that werenā€™t canceled and so the script activity sometimes reaches higher to 50% and is insane. (I have a MainScript).

I am unable to know whatā€™s causing the High Activity.


I look forward to this if it is going to allow more players ā€¦ without glitchy game play.
A 2D game that I want to bring to life on Roblox has at best 144 vs 144 (large battles), so at least I can start setting it up to be able to handle that many players.

Currently ā€¦ it seems we can have 100 a sideā€¦ and will be a strain on the serverā€¦ in our battles.
Besides thatā€¦ there are people who spectateā€¦ so they also need to be accommodated as well.

Also - will this increase the Server player limit from 200 to higher ?

If anyone knows a way for spectating from outside the serverā€¦ that will be appreciated.
Meaningā€¦ there might be 10 battles going on (an Event/Championship)ā€¦ and not having to Stream EACH one separately.
Is there a way to script a server that has cameraā€™s (Ā±8) in the battle of eachā€¦ and have it viewable in the external SPECTATORS ONLY server ?


I believe you can make a feature request to request higher max player count, do that and they should be able to process it if your game is big enough


Yeahā€¦ I did that over 2 years agoā€¦ when they OFFERED 700 players for being a BETA tester, (that I would likely use for testing only), but that never materialized, on Roblox side.
Will have to see how things go with this (possible) server increase.


If these experiments succeed, will we be given information related to the formula for Server Memory? Are dynamic applications going to vary per-experience (for consistency reasons)? How much control will we have over our server memory after these updates apply?


Weā€™d love to be able to share right now, but the maximum is precisely what we are validating with our experiments. Weā€™d rather wait a few weeks and share accurate information than give you something that ends up being incorrect now.


This is awesome. Especially with games with big maps and games that donā€™t store effects, particles, etc. within ReplicatedStorage. This will be useful with Physic testing as well. Thank you!


Awesome. Thanks for the reply! Look forward to this amazing change and experiment. Thank yā€™all for the good work! This change is great.


(Copying/pasting above reply)
Thanks. Voice chat has that limit for a different, non-memory reason. Itā€™s on our radar, and Iā€™ll pass the ask to the team.


Weā€™ll share more details once the experiments are over. Weā€™ll share the formula weā€™re using, and if our plans work as-intended, you will have fairly significant control. Of course we will want your feedback for future iteration!


Is it guaranteed that all servers will be able to take advantage of the memory increase, or is it random? I understand that itā€™s dynamic and likely scales based on the resources a server requires, but Iā€™m still a bit confused about the status of this experiment.


Are we gaming, gang? A server memory bump could actually allow larger and more detailed worlds be a thing!
Though im not sure these experiments are being kept secret. Would not sharing all details with us right now be a better choice? What exactly is the reasoning behind this decision?


Thereā€™s alot of problems with workspace.PlayerCharacterDestroy behaviour, which was given to prevent memory leaks. Some people have said that the local character/player will not automatically destroy after theyā€™ve been removed. May you please take a look into this?


Is there any details you can provide regarding what type of processors/# of cores Roblox servers typically run on? That sometimes feels like more of a bottleneck than available memory.

Parallel Luau workflows still arenā€™t that great from my experience.


Actually the Voice Chat related one should be fixed soon.


There we go cant wait for it this will definitely increase players play time and count anyway thanks for the try!


What do you mean voice chat related?


This would help me greatly.

I have a mining game that has the server fully separated from the client(so all blocks are rendered on the client). I could do crazy numbers, blockcount into the billions, testing by myself in a real server. The game recently hit the algorithm and with 100 player servers I discovered there is a leak somewhere, only triggered after thousands of players have come and gone. That leads to 6500MB, and a crash, after 2-3 days. I canā€™t find out what the leak is, and the memory details donā€™t tell me anything useful. 12000MB in memory would be great, but doesnā€™t solve the issue Iā€™m facing.