That’s strange, what does NumberPoint print out?
Number… 5 didn’t you read post
Try this?
function module.GetPointTime(Player,NumberPoint)
local PlayerData = module.CheckIfPlayerExistsInTable(Player)
if (PlayerData[NumberPoint]) then
print("Found player at getpointtime")
print(os.clock() - PlayerData.Points[NumberPoint])
return os.clock() - PlayerData.Points[NumberPoint]
return 0
Points are at PlayerData.Points[NumberPoint]
Can you run this and see what it prints
for i, v in pairs(PlayerData.Points) do
print(i, v, type(i), type(v))
Well you are printing a different table then what you are checking.
Here you go
Any idea why it won’t work? D:
Does this print nil?
Yeah, it returns nil
My guess would be floating point rounding.
What data type did you intend the key of the value and NumberPoint to be (float or integer?)?
Don’t know what you mean
I’ll show more of the code;
local module = {}
function module.CheckIfPlayerExistsInTable(p)
if (module[p]) then
return module[p]
return {Points = {},LastKey = ''}
function module.StorePointAndTick(Player,startpoint)
if not (StarterPoint) then
StarterPoint = startpoint
local PlayerData = module.CheckIfPlayerExistsInTable(Player)
local PointKey = StarterPoint + 1
StarterPoint += 1
if (PlayerData.Points[PointKey]) then
print("Found",PointKey,"Return :D")
return; -- Makes sure we don't duplicate pointkey
PlayerData.Points[PointKey] = os.clock()
PlayerData.LastKey = PointKey
module[Player] = PlayerData
function module.UntickLastPoint(Player)
local PlayerData = module.CheckIfPlayerExistsInTable()
local PointK = PlayerData.LastKey
if (PointK) then
if (PlayerData.Points[PointK]) then
PlayerData.Points[PointK] = os.clock() - PlayerData.Points[PointK]
function module.GetPointTime(Player,NumberPoint)
local PlayerData = module.CheckIfPlayerExistsInTable(Player)
NumberPoint = NumberPoint and tonumber(NumberPoint)
if (PlayerData.Points[NumberPoint]) then
print("Found player at getpointtime")
print(os.clock() - PlayerData.Points[NumberPoint])
return os.clock() - PlayerData.Points[NumberPoint]
return 0
return module
Anyone has any idea what might be causing this?
Can you clearify what part of it don’t you know what I mean?
Does NumberPoint
equal to the 5
key in the Points table (from floating point perspective)? It’ll only index if they rawequal to each other. (Test it via next
or pairs
So what do you expect me to do?
It won’t return the value, and I don’t know why,
local a = {
[1] = ‘hi’
local b = a[1]
This is literally what I’m doing
And what do you mean with “floating point perspective”??
@sleitnick @daftcube ,very sorry for this @, could you check this out and attempt to help me?
For me now it’s just esoteric.
I believe @Blockzez is wanting to know whether the index is 5 exactly (integer 5), or if it is being rounded to 5 in the display (a floating point number such as 5.00000001). For more info on rawequal, you might find this post helpful: Rawset, Rawget and Rawequal - Help and Feedback / Scripting Support - DevForum | Roblox.
So, why don’t I just floor the number, would that work?
You were right, it was a instance, how could I letted this pass.
Sad the new print(Instance) returns the name of it… makes it hard to debug
I don’t really know how to mark as solution, anyway thanks so much to you, couldn’t understand what you said (tbh not much english I speak so)