Infinite colours!

It isn’t the same amount of data. Bits would be added to represent each set of colors, which, data wise, would be the same as just having more colors.

I don’t see why you couldn’t send the client an ID corresponding to a certain color and then when someone sets that color it just replicates to the client as the ID instead of the whole Color3 every time.

Send client ID and Color3
Client now associates ID with Color3
Now only replicate the new ID for the color instead of the Color3.

I’m not a member of Roblox Staff so I can’t know the implications of a system such as this on the client and server.
But, If I were working on my own game I would do something like this.

The best thing which could be done to provide more colors is to allow the BrickColor corresponding Color3 values to be changed. The current system with that forced inside of it would look structurally horrible, though, especially since BrickColor color codes are all over the place.

If the BrickColor set were an index 1 to 128 with a corresponding Name and Color value, and those were allowed to be edited, they would load once and then be referenced by every part in the game using one of those newly modified values in that set.

In short: Allow us to create a custom palette to reference. The client loads it when they join.

Custom color palettes would really make using things made by other people be a pain.

“Oh hey there’s this model I really want to use but the color palette doesn’t match mine”

Free models would then be harder to use since we’d have to adapt the model to the game’s palette which I don’t support.

Color selection should be universal across all games.

The only way to have more colors is to use more space or use different colors. It’s up to Roblox if they want to choose.

Ok then, so it looks like this won’t happen. We’ll just have to wait until roblox adds more colours. Oh well, I hope they add more colours soon.

But we literally just got a new color palette…

I know, but I don’t like the colours. They’re just too colourful and bright, and I think there could be a better selection of colours.

You can always use a mesh and set its vertexcolor if you’re willing to drastically impact load time.

I get not having 17 million colors but you could make 256 colors? There is already one bit assigned to enum of BrickColor. So wouldn’t having 256 colors have the same amount of bits? Or do we already have 256 colors and I’m missing something?

We now have 128 colors. 64 were just added.