Infinite Terrain Plugin

No but maybe it might be a good idea for me to make one


No it won’t lag your game try this demo here

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tysm for this man, your work is amazing.

Also, is there any way to just generate everything server-side?

It’s possible but not a good idea

For infinite terrain you will need to convert the local script to a normal script and make it follow each player

If the terrain is not infinite then just generate the terrain in studio and publish without creating any scripts

But I would not recommend doing that as it will be a lot of data the server will need to send each client when they enter the game for best performance and load times and network performance it should be generated on the client

What problems are you having with client sided terrain?

Hey so i have a question, i was researching for more noise textures and i found out that theres an “octaves” value that implements more spikey terrain, so is it possible for me to add this into the terrain generation code? and its a good or bad idea?

I’m not sure what octaves is but when I looked at the image in that post my plugin can already make spikey terrain like that but sure the plugin is open source so you can do what ever you like with it

It’d be cool if there could be cave generation some how. If there could be a way to add caves that’d be cool.

By layering multiple levels of noise, your plugin is already doing it.


The plugin was designed to only be 2d terrain

2d terrain has lots of benefits

  1. Uses a lot less data when you edit or paint the terrain

  2. Faster to generate

  3. Easier to make realistic looking terrain

  4. Easier to edit

  5. Reduces plugin complexity

To make 3d terrain I would need to make a brand new plugin

Ok grate that’s what I thought thanks for clarifying :slight_smile:

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I’ve been thinking of an idea but i don’t know i this could be made with the current options the plugin gives, so this is the thing, i want to make a noise and i want to group that noise with a material so that material appears only with that noise.

The plugin does not support that :frowning:

is there a way to reduce water amount? (e.g. open-world game)

you can shift the water down or shift the terrain up to reduce the water

you can also set min height to prevent the water from getting to deep

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But when I do that, the terrain still looks as though there should be water under it, eg it’s only sand from where the water level used to be

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if you don’t want to adjust the materials then shift the terrain up and keep the water height where it was

Won’t that do the same thing tho? also u spelt ‘shift’ wrong O_O

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Oh wow what a typo

Shifting the terrain will have a different effect on how your materials load Vs shifting the water

I’ve been trying to clamp terrain so i can make plains where theres no mountains or high hills but i cant achieve it, how could i make this?