Infinite yield possible on

I dont need to show just let me say there is some maps in ServerStorage.Maps.(folder), and every 70 secs one model go to workspace and the one was there get back to his place

For testing purposes, would it be easier to change the 70 second delay to 10 seconds?

Are you able to send a screenshot of the explorer tab when the map is in workspace?


Is HalloweenDropperDone a touchable part?

(max charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

So is the point of the script that you want to send a RemoteEvent when the player touches a specific part in this map?

(max charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

If this is the case, it may be better to use a server script.

For example,

local players = game.Players

local player = players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
if player then


I’m still not quite sure on exactly what you want, but hopefully that helps. The benefit of a server-script is you don’t need to send a RemoteEvent to the server.

dont work
{max charrrrrrrrrrrr{

Are you able to elaborate what doesn’t work?

I did for example Print(“wegwseg”) and its didn’t show

Here. I’ve got 2 ways you can do this. I have explained everything in the script.

Number 1.

Script in ServerScriptService:

local Players = game:GetService("Players") -- getting players

local PartTrigger = game.Workspace.TouchedPart -- change this to whatever your part is called

local cooldown = false -- if you want a cooldown for your part

function touched(hit) -- hit
	if hit.Parent ~= nil then -- making sure that the part that touched has a character as its parent
		local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) -- getting the player from the character that hit the part
		if player and not cooldown then -- "not cooldown" is same as "cooldown == false"
			cooldown = true
			print("touched") -- put your code here
			cooldown = false
		elseif cooldown then -- "if cooldown" is the same as cooldown == true
			print("still on cooldown")

PartTrigger.Touched:Connect(touched) -- will connect function when part is touched

Number 2.
You said you wanted a remoteEvent to fire when touched the part. So ill do that too.

Local script in StarterCharacterScripts:

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Touched") -- change this to whatever your remote event is called

function touched()
	RemoteEvent:FireServer() --firing server

game.Workspace.TouchedPart.Touched:Connect(touched) -- change this to wherever your part is

Add a script in ServerScriptService:

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Touched") -- same thing. make this your event name

local cooldown = false

RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr) -- you can keep the "plr" in if you want to change things for the player
	if not cooldown then
		cooldown = true
		cooldown = false
	elseif cooldown then

There are both ways I can do this for you. If you dont want to use any of these ways, well, I don’t know what to tell you.

how to do it with Value?
(Number 2)

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Touched") -- change this to whatever your remote event is called

local TimePlayed = ... -- replace "..." with your value

local cooldown = false

function touched()
   if TimePlayed.Value <= 300 and not cooldown then
        cooldown = true
      	RemoteEvent:FireServer() --firing server
        cooldown = false
           print("no") -- dont do anything if they dont have <=300 "timeplayed"

game.Workspace.TouchedPart.Touched:Connect(touched) -- change this to wherever your part is
local RemoteEvent = ... -- your remote event
local TimePlayed = ... -- Replace this with your value

TimePlayed.Changed:Connect(function() -- you can also use TimePlayed:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect(function()
    if TimePlayed.Value <= 300 then
      	RemoteEvent:FireServer() --firing server

its not automatic
max charrrrrr

Put it in StarterCharacterScripts. It should be automatic

For people that dont know, he wanted to fire a server inside of a local script. But he also tried to get the service SeverStorage from a local script.

You are unable to get ServerStorage from a local script.

Hope this helps for anyone reading this

I think I understand your issue now.
If you’re occasionally adding models into the workspace folder and detecting for touch, I would recommend you to use workspace.ChildAdded instead, then connect it to a touched event.
The code would look something like this:

local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Plrs = game:GetService("Players")

local RE = RS:WaitForChild("FirstQuest")
local Plr = Plrs.LocalPlayer
        if NewPart.Name == "HalloweenDropper" then
          local Pat = NewPart.StuffAtHalloweenLobby.HalloweenDropperDone
			local Target = Hit.Parent
			local TouchedPlr = Plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Target)
			if TouchedPlr and TouchedPlr == Plr then
				RE:FireServer() -- This will send a request from the client to the server 

We already discussed the issue inside of private messages. The reason why he was getting infinite yield is because he was trying to access serverstorage from a local script. (Also I gave him countless codes that WORKED.)

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