local remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events:WaitForChild("RemoteFunction") -- the remote function
local dataStore2 = require(game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("DataStore2")) -- the data store 2 module script
dataStore2.Combine("DATA", "Inventory")
remote.OnServerInvoke = function(player)
local success, err = pcall(function()
return dataStore2("Inventory", player)
if success then
return err
return warn(err)
If it produces a warning then itâs an issue with the module script itself (i assume)
alright so from the script you can tell that im using armor and im trying to use datastore2 to save the armor. If needed heres the datahandler, im trying to get the datastore2 module in serverstorage and use it to update the inventory.
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local DataStore2 = require(ServerStorage:WaitForChild("DataStore2"))
DataStore2.Combine("Data", "Inventory", "Currency", "Level", "Exp", "ExpToLevel")
local defaultLevel = 1
local defaultexp = 0
local DefaultCurrencyAmount = 0
local DefaultHealthAmount = 150
local defaultStrength = 10
local expToLevelUp = function(level)
return tonumber(100 * math.exp(level))
--All the DataStores in here--
local InventoryStore = DataStore2("Inventory", player)
local CurrencyStore = DataStore2("Currency", player)
local ExpStore = DataStore2("Exp", player)
local LevelStore = DataStore2("Level", player)
local replicatedDataFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
replicatedDataFolder.Parent = replicatedStorage.ReplicatedData
replicatedDataFolder.Name = player.UserId
local inventoryString = Instance.new("StringValue")
inventoryString.Parent = replicatedDataFolder
inventoryString.Name = "Inventory"
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder", player)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
local LevelValue = Instance.new("IntValue", leaderstats)
LevelValue.Name = "Level"
local expValue = Instance.new("IntValue", leaderstats)
expValue.Name = "Exp"
local expToLevel = Instance.new("IntValue", leaderstats)
expToLevel.Name = "ExpToLevel"
local Warrior = Instance.new("IntValue",leaderstats)
Warrior.Name = "War"
Warrior.Value = defaultStrength
local function updateLevel(amount)
player.leaderstats.Level.Value = amount
replicatedStorage.Events.UpdateClientLevel:FireClient(player, amount)
local function updateEXP(exp)
if exp >= expToLevelUp(LevelStore:Get(defaultLevel)) then
ExpStore:Increment(expToLevelUp(LevelStore:Get(defaultLevel)) * -1)
game.Workspace["Level Up"]:Play()
game.StarterGui.Level.LevelUP.Visible = true
game.StarterGui.Level.LevelUP.Visible = false
player.leaderstats.Exp.Value = exp
local expAtNextLevel = expToLevelUp(LevelStore:Get(defaultLevel))
local currentlyHave = ExpStore:Get(defaultexp)
player.leaderstats.ExpToLevel.Value = expAtNextLevel - currentlyHave
local inventoryData = InventoryStore:Get({})
inventoryString.Value = HttpService:JSONEncode(inventoryData)
inventoryString.Value = HttpService:JSONEncode(decodedData)
local function updateClientCurrency(amount)
replicatedStorage.Events.UpdateClientCurrency:FireClient(player, amount)
--call functions right away one time
Firstly, I notice that you are trying to access StarterGui, which would be your first mistake.
Basically, everything inside StarterGui is cloned inside a folder called PlayerGui within the player when the player joins, you need to access their PlayerGui and not the StarterGui.
Secondly, I do not see any reason to use a RemoteFunction here, you can just store the armorâs name then reference it when the player joins, and so on. I assume youâre parenting the armor to their character.
Perhaps I am missing something and then sorry for wasting your time.
But I see no reason as of now why you would need a ModuleScript for this.
You can also just save everything in a normal âScriptâ in ServerScriptService.
local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local ds1 = datastore:GetDataStore("PlayerStats") --call this whatever you want
local playerStats = Instance.new("Folder", plr) --we make an empty folder within the player in game.Players.plr
playerStats.Name = "playerStats"
local data = Instance.new("IntValue", playerStats)
data.Name = "Data"
local inv = Instance.new("IntValue", playerStats)
inv.Name = "Inventory"
local currency = Instance.new("IntValue", playerStats)
currency.Name = "Currency"
local lvl = Instance.new("IntValue", playerStats)
lvl.Name = "Level"
local exp = Instance.new("IntValue", playerStats)
exp.Name = "Exp"
local exptl = Instance.new("IntValue", playerStats)
exptl.Name = "ExpToLevel"
local Datas
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
Datas = ds1:GetAsync(plr.UserId)
if success and Data then
print("loading player data") --this will print if the data loaded succesfully, it will not if there is no data yet (first time they join)
plr.playerStats.Data.Value = Data[1]
plr.playerStats.Inventory.Value = Data[2]
plr.playerStats.Currency.Value = Data[3]
plr.playerStats.Level.Value = Data[4]
plr.playerStats.Exp.Value = Data[5]
plr.playerStats.ExpToLevel.Value = Data[6]
print("stats not loaded no stats found") --this will print if it is the first time they join, it will then set their empty/not existing data to whatever you put in here
plr.playerStats.Data.Value = 0
plr.playerStats.Inventory.Value = 0
plr.playerStats.Currency.Value = 0
plr.playerStats.Level.Value = 0
plr.playerStats.Exp.Value = 0
plr.playerStats.ExpToLevel.Value = 0
game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) --if the player leaves it saves all their data
local data = player.playerStats.Data.Value
local inv = player.playerStats.Inventory.Value
local currency= player.playerStats.Currency.Value
local lvl = player.playerStats.Level.Value
local exp = player.playerStats.Exp.Value
local exptl = player.playerStats.ExpToLevel.Value
ds1:SetAsync(player.UserId, {
Youâll probably have to update the script to fit your game and your current script but this is a working script that will save those 6 values for you in a datastore called ds1 within the script and the thing between () in case you want to access it with another script.
The values will also be accessable with the player in a folder called âplayerStatsâ.
I hope this can bypass your problem of not being able to call your script within the ServerStorage. Because upon pressing play the ServerStorage and ServerScriptService become empty and your ModuleScript will be transported to some invisible thing that you canât really access.
So whatever you do you canât find a way to call âgame.ServerStorage:WaitForChild(âDataStore2â)â
Again, I hope this can bypass your problem and just save it in an easier spot! Please let us know if this helped or not, weâre here to help!
well im using datastore2 to save objects, as for datastore1 only saves instances. The module handles all the values making it so i donât need a player removing. And it also makes sure the player has the data before giving it to them
I donât know what the inside of your ModuleScript looks like but I donât understand why youâre doing this:
local datastore2 = require(game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("DataStore2"))
I donât know if youâre doing this to access a child of your modulescript or if youâre trying to access itâs code.
If youâre trying to access a child I recommend (but I canât see them so I donât know for sure) saving them in ReplicatedService instead.
If youâre trying to access the code inside then I recommend going through this page to see how modulescripts can be accessed: ModuleScript | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub