Wall climbing also bypasses
For spinning; I can’t say why it didn’t work, you could of been on a cooldown? If I may, how are you spinning your character?
Adding onto this, I never even knew Wall Climbing
was an exploit, but i’ll try and find a patch for it in the near future.
I do get detected if I don’t move around sometimes but not everytime, and I use BodyAngularVelocity to spin
Alrighty; This type of detection is very flimsy because it’s on the server, so exceptions could happen.
It’s the reason why I keep Collisions Off
as a backup, in case someone does get through this initial barrier.
What about the wall climb? Any note on how to get one of them?
I can send you a script in dms if you want
Sure, I’ll add it to the list of known exploits that you can use in-game.
for some reason i cant dm you bruhh
Would it be easier to add me on Discord?
Sent a friend request on Discord
Bypassed anti-fly using vehicle fly. You should fix it aswell
Also could bring my friend (server side) using bring command.
Message me on discord lambarini#3150
Hello! Some exciting news for those who are interested!
I’ve been heavily working on a new branch of Infinity, it’s release branch. (2.0.0)
Infinity 2.0.0 will have a total redesign, removing any flawed/hacky implementations I made previous, Infinity 2.0.0 will be an Open-Sourced anti cheat. Yes, open sourced.
The focus point of Infinity AntiCheat is to ensure you have both stability and security in any place you deploy the files into. This AntiCheat will do what it can to avoid wasting your server memory!
And for those who may be interested in learning more, this is the discord community server.
In addition to this comment; The testing grounds have been shut down as the release branch will introduce a new unique hub for the AntiCheat, allowing you to test in a multitude of places (Obbies, Races, Really-Really big maps.)
Wow, this is cool! How did you come up with the alt system. That is interesting
Idk if it’s just me but it didn’t work at all, it literally didn’t detect anything.
As said in the last comment,
In addition to this comment; The testing grounds have been shut down as the release branch will introduce a new unique hub for the AntiCheat, allowing you to test in a multitude of places (Obbies, Races, Really-Really big maps.)
If you want to test the latest branch of Infinity, add my discord and i’ll add you into the GitHub, from there you can compile the latest commit of Infinity and test away.
And, here we are, shy a week later.
I’m saddened to say that the Infinity AntiCheat will NOT continue. I sank in hours and hours developing stable and unique detections, however it’s just not worth it these days (read more in the Github)
For those who are interested in the code I used, even want to try and replicate a stable anticheat like this yourself. Here is the Github
Thank you
You could’ve sold a premium version but sigh it is what is it ;(
I was so excited reading this thread