InputBegan not firing when W and A or W and S is being held

Im trying to make diagonal rolling, but when I press Q while W and A or W and S is being held, inputbegan doesn’t even run at all.
This looks like a failsafe to stop two keys adjacent to the one being pressed.
A picture example:

Keep in mind this completely fixes if I set it from Q to G, but I want it to be Q without this failsafe.

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I had this issue with using multiple inputs for a crane I built.
I remember having to connect the inputbegan and inputended functions somehow, but I don’t have access to Studio right now.
I’ll have a look tonight if someone else doesn’t come up with the answer before then.

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So sorry, I forgot about this until tonight.
Here’s a post and script where I found the answer to my own question: When changing multiple inputs how do I keep just the held keys working? - #4 by Scottifly
It may not be the best system though but it does work for me.

You can use IsKeyDown() in an conditional statement to check if the key is currently being pressed.

Unfortunately, this is a limitation of the engine and there is no way to disable it. You will need to use a different key for your diagonal rolling.

That’s what’s in the script in the post I linked. I use a VehicleSeat and the keys around it for crane controls. The way I have it set up is so you can use all the QWER, ASDF keys for input and I didn’t want it to stop one input when I release another one.

@zahra_y735 the OP can use whatever key they want to define their diagonal rolling script.

The issue they posted is how to get extra input while keys are already being held down.

I found out it was my keyboard, most keyboard manufacturers have keys in a certain region run on the same circuit to cut costs, making most low end keyboards impossible to press for example W A and S at the same time, same for H G and T for example. Very interesting reason and quite sad

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You posted it as the Solution, but did getting a better keyboard solve it?

I’m using the Microsoft Ergonomic 4000 keyboard. Not sure if it’s in the 'keys in certain region" setup you mentioned.

The script I posted in my link works great for what I was doing though. Maybe give it a try.

Yes, testing a higher end keyboard solved the issue with no problems without changing the code at all

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