Intellisense goes white in dark mode when Windows computers sleep

For someone that travels often to places with no internet, the only way to stay connected to studio is by closing the computer lid, thus not turning it off.

As you see, the intellisense is white despite being in dark mode, making the text illegible


The only fix that I found is to toggle light mode, then go back to dark mode.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Close the computer lid if on laptop.
  2. Let it “sleep” for a few seconds.
  3. Reopen and sign in to your computer
  4. Open studio, and you will see intellisense goes white.

Oh and it’s not just intellisense, when hovering over a script tab, the tool tip goes black.


It’s been quite a while and this is still happening (current release is 0.441.0.408614) – this isn’t just an issue with laptops, it happens on desktop computers too when the computer goes to sleep.

Reproing this is as simple as opening Studio, pressing Windows Key+L, and trying to type something in either the command bar or a script window.

Maybe related to Command Bar history text and hover background do not respect current theme?