Interior Designing

Hi, I’m Tronsusu,

I’ve been struggling with capturing aspects of nice interior design, if anyone has any tips, it would be highly appreciated if they could be shared. Thanks.


Well, to be one you need to know what a place is missing or has to much of I think you should go to different games and feel the style and in view what you would put there yourself or what you should move around. You must have a view point of what the person you are working for would like it’s about the color the style and the feel of something looks. As well as MATH is a big thing within doing Interior Designing like how far something is how big it is how small you want it.

I hope this helped. :123:

This is something like Game Designing:

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For interior design, you’re going to want to designate areas prior to your decorating and furnishing.

In a kitchen, designate areas where you believe furniture will be most suitable e.g: Dining tables (perhaps closer to a window) or Ovens / work stations (In a corner / side of the kitchen which is quite empty.)

Once you’ve designated your area, you will want to find a balance of free space and furniture as to not create an empty space or a crowded space.

You can break down the process of interior designing and maybe create an algorithm that suits you best.

One last thing, measurement (Math, as mentioned by @DevNetCheese) is extremely important as to know how much decoration / furniture you can fit into an area.


Getting experienced at building the interior does take that dedication into actually applying your time into practicing it, this will always be needed for any skill you want to master.

Firstly, I suggest watching speed builds on interior designs, try and expand on the style you prefer, watch older builds, science friction builds, and modern builds. Youou can also watch tutorials if needed, these are always useful for any new starters.

Personally for me, I always focus on getting inspiration for whatever I am building. I start with how I want the room to be like, this just includes the room size and shape. I will then slowly detail the room depending on what I am trying to accomplish based on reference images off the internet. Whenever I use these images, my builds always come out entirely different and unique, try not to complete the interior on one image, I always gather at least 5 and combine them into my own. However, I also slowly start building without references after getting an overall idea of what I would like for the room.

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