Introducing Accessibility Settings

It’s funny how they used the old Topbar UI. Didn’t you want to showcase the totally rad 58 pixel Topbar? Was it messing up the UI for your showcase experience perhaps?

Regardless, Glad you’re expanding the settings capabilities.


Thank you for making the buttons green and not black and white :happy1:


This is a step in the right direction for accessibility options!

I think colorblindness options (or at least ways for developers to easily implement them) would be a great next step.


Love the update, but perhaps with the numerous additions of new settings, similar settings can be categorized or grouped together (like what others have mentioned above). In other games, accessibility settings usually have its own dedicated place in the settings area.


This is enabled by default on my Mac Pro. Useless update.


Very nice update.
if possible, UI color when?


Very cool stuff! Will we ever have the option to customize the theme of the UI? I’m not a huge fan of how dark the current menu is, more of a light mode kind of guy.


Technically not accessibility settings, but: It's 2023, *please* give us discrete graphics options


This is an Awesome update I’ve always needed. Classic Bitwise W


No hate, but there is more important things to work on… cmon.
People were waiting for more advanced graphics settings for a few years, and still waiting.
Voice chat api when??



Sorry, am i seeing this right? is this offcenter??

Would be nice if you could make the Background more transparent, i only notice a slight change in background transparency when turned all the way to transparent


This is actually amazing and something we’ve needed for awhile. (Rare Roblox W update??? That being said I do hope there is more added in the future, for example:

  • The ability for us to customize the Ui’s theme
  • Colorblind options
  • Touch screen sensitivity
  • The ability to make the menu more transparent (Its currently more opaque than transparent)

As for what we currently have I will say that the settings menu is extremely cluttered and I think it would be a lot better if these options where moves to a new tab/submenu (or whatever its called) like this:

(Sorry if it looks bad I made this in like 2 minutes)


Cool that this is finally released, but it feels really rushed.

Reduced motion has a variety of bugs.
Clicking the escape menu button 3 times in fast succession breaks the whole thing, and makes the menu invisible (but the background darkening is still visible)
Switching tabs in the escape menu can do the same thing.
The ZIndex issue with the escape menu canvas group didnt get fixed either. The canvasGroup is placed below the background darkening frame, which causes a visible “snap” to the proper ZIndex.

Canvas frames disappearing:

Canvas frame incorrect ZIndex (+fix):

Setting not being respected:

(The new topbar actually doesnt support either of the new settings, but I assume its because its in beta)


Experiences can and should implement their own colorblind-friendly options, or ensure that their experiences are colorblind friendly by default. Our app is pretty colorblind accessible (though there are a couple places where we use color alone to indicate meaning and I can assure you those have all been reported as bugs and we are working with the appropriate teams to address) - but colorblind filters (full-screen color filters) are generally regarded to be not a great solution, and so we don’t intend to support them.

We do lightly cover this principle here in the accessibility best practices article, feel free to suggest improvements and additions!!


This update was released a month ago and then got removed a day later, why is that? :thinking:

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This is a great start to making Roblox more accessible! Though as someone with tritanopia, I’d love to see some colorblindness settings in the future.

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lol i made these videos weeks ago


This is great! For the next settings update, can you make an option to hide robux count when purchasing, that would be real great for streamers.

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My issue is with this if you have Rain and you enable Reduce Motion then it stops people are going to complain about how it stopped the rain from moving and if its for Celebrating a win it wont give the same effect and make people leave for a Lackluster Experience on them winning

Good update! The new menu makes it hard to see what’s going on sometimes. So this will be useful.
The reduced motion part, I am not sure about due to rain, victory effects, and more.
Other than that, It’s a good update.
I rate the update 8/10. It could use more features though.