sorry the person you replied to was a staff member, not the person who put the video so i didn’t see it
This is really nice! I’m waiting for Open Beta.
so i made something using aerodynamic forces that pushes the ball forward with wind when you shoot it, it will start losing force because of the wind and then fall
Simply amazing!!!
This is so good, especially for showcases, you can make them so much more realistic due to the leaves, also not to forget Piloting games, for example, PTFS (which isn’t the best) or other games, which have so much good potential to this feature! Simply an amazing feature.
I have a question: does aerodynamics include wind drag? For example, if an object falls very quickly and is very light, wouldn’t it be affected by the wind, causing drag and making it fly like a feather instead of falling like a static block?
Is there any developments on this, wouldn’t want it to completely fall aside.
I just performed a test with a 10x10x10 part, and a 10x10x0.1 part. The shallow one took longer to fall from the same height at a perfectly flat angle, and then angling them 15 degrees made the shallow one glide forward as it fell, along with the cubic one gliding a small amount. I believe wind drag is a factor based on this.
that’s a property of aerodynamics itself.
what he means is global wind pushing on objects
Hi! Thank you for reaching out - we are very close to enabling this in live experiences, I promise we haven’t forgotten about this / stopped working on it Pls stay tuned for updates coming soon!
Lovely news! Can’t wait to mess with it
FYI in case you missed it: [Client Beta] Aerodynamic forces now publishable on live experiences!
it’s live!
Fantastic, great work guys! Will be testing.
I noticed this being enabled by default on any new parts I create, and is also enabled by default on imported meshes. Will this have an impact on performance, or should I turn off EnableFluidForces
on any parts that don’t need it?
Hi, thanks for the question!
Your experiences will not be affected if you have aero disabled globally (via the workspace property “FluidForces”).
Yes, that works, but is it unoptimized when enabled for everything?
How do I enable this?? I seem to have forgotten how to.
This should help.
replied to the wrong person mb