Introducing Exact Match Search for Experiences

Thank you, this is much needed for games that are impossible to find in the search bar. As most of the time it is spammed with scam games.


Why should those metrics be prioritised?
Depending on what metrics are prioritised there will always be winners and losers.

The better solution (in my opinion) would be bringing back sort options so users can use the metrics they like.
It would allow a lot greater discovery on what the users exactly want.

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How is this a good thing? Shouldn’t exact name search be the default all-along. Them removing the original system is a BAD thing. This is just them covering this change up


What if the game has quotes in the title? Will that ruin the feature?

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I really think this should be the default, then show what we have currently. This update seems to have ruined search.

For some reason you cannot search several separate terms within quotes, it will treat them as if they are all within the same quote.
If I search “Tycoon” “Industrial” it seems to show only two games

If I search “Industrial” “Tycoon”, I get different results even though it should be the same results as the previous search.

If I search “Water” “Tycoon” I can find a game that should have been under the prior searches as it includes both “Tycoon” and “Industrial”.

It appears it combines quoted terms into one term, rather than searching for “Quoteterm1” and “Quoteterm2” in each title, its searching for “Quoteterm1 Quoteterm2”, resulting in extremely fewer results.
If the user wants to search for titles with both words in a specific order, they can search with both words in the same pair of quotes. If they want to search for games that include both words anywhere within their title, it wont let them. This is an issue for plenty of other cases, mainly with games that contain 3 or more words in their title.
a game called “Drive for 9999 Miles” It will never show up if you search “Drive” & “Miles”
If you search “Natural” “Survival”, natural disaster survival wont show up.
If you search “Bee” “Simulator”, bee swarm simulator wont show up.
(occasionally some 3 word games aren’t effected, this is rare)


I just found another oddity. if you search “nova” it will show results as if you searched “new” for some reason. Some other strange search issues I’ve found (I am basing this off how google’s quote search system works, which the roblox search is supposedly following):

  • searching “tycoon 2” will show results as if I searched “tycoon” “2”
  • searching “pilot” “flight” “simulator” shows results for “pilot flight simulator”
  • searching “forces” “phantom” doesn’t show phantom forces, and instead shows a few games that have “forces phantom” in their description?? (4 games show up, 1 says “forces phantom” within its title if you untranslate the title (the quote searches search across languages?), one says it actually in the title, and the other two have it in their description, which I thought quote search only searches titles. (if you can do separate quote searches for titles and descriptions that would be great)
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sad moment :pensive:

Roblox seems to really enjoy the idea of AI as that kind of stuff is taking over what we actually need and want:

Unbelievable. Game discovery has been getting continuously worse every year, and one of the few confirmed hopes we had left that could help redeem it is now canceled?!


@rosariobono - It’s not cancelled, when has “On Hold” mean cancelled?

They’re delaying it for some of these reasons probably:

  • Funding
  • Time
  • Polishing
  • Fix Bugs and Vulnurabilities
  • Other Update

It’s not easy to do thing like this. Be happy that it’s on hold and not cancelled.

Be paitent please :grin: /lighthearted

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Thanks for clarifying, I didn’t catch it myself till you mentioned it.

It’s good that it’s on hold as I want Roblox to do it right and not rush it. They do have a core value of “taking the long view” after all.

And, I want to give Roblox credit here, they’ve stuck to the roadmap quite well. I rechecked the website and a lot has released. On another note, I feel as though the Search & Discovery team are not listening to developers. There are feature requests, but a lack of communication. Maybe we are the vocal minority. :person_shrugging:

Also, my ideas have changed on the following a bit:

I think Semantic Search is a good idea paired with Dynamic Filters, but either alone is not a good idea.

  • Semantic Search, like much of Roblox’s Discovery system, tries to assume user intent with various factors in a string of text.
  • Dynamic Filters can be used to directly say what a user wants themselves via various filters.

For some specific things, there could be a price filter, genre filter, server size filter. I have many ideas, but I want to stress the importance of letting users manually find content the they want. Roblox assuming user intent, when that is the only system, isn’t a good idea imo.

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