By any chance, when do EditableImages come to the ROBLOX client?
I have been working on a ray-tracer and can’t wait to make my work public!
When using EditableMeshes, will Decals parented to MeshParts have the same sort of projection behavior as they do now?
In my game, I use both SurfaceAppearances and Decals on the same MeshPart. The Decals are used for images unique to the front face of each mesh, and the SurfaceAppearance can be swapped out to change the base material of the mesh. All my meshes are UV mapped to use the same generic SurfaceAppearances so the base textures can be reused and replaced at any time. Decals help keep my images separate from the base texture, and I only need them to apply to one face of the mesh.
I was hoping I could use the same structure with EditableMeshes and EditableImages so players can design their own meshes/decals without me losing the ability to dynamically swap out the SurfaceAppearance later. Are there plans to support Decals on EditableMeshes?
NSFW has always been an issue even before EditableImage… Anything that can be created (e.g. models, or game’s with drawing features, or even games themselves) CAN and WILL have inappropriate content from time to time.
The only practical way anyone should deal with this is with an in-game report feature with moderators to deal with them.
As far as studio models goes, same story. we’ve always had NSFW content, but roblox’s moderators have been dealing as much of that as possible.
So please don’t put a hate on an extremely useful and needed feature just because it participates to it in a way.
it also depends how the editable image is used by the developer.
I have a few questions on how the positioning works still. If I get vertices in a sphere from a position lets say 0,0,0 and raise the vertices a little it works fine:
but then if I move the attachment to a different position still near the body of the car its treated as if it’s almost being multiplied:
and the further I move the attachment to the front, back, left or right the more its multiplied:
Here is my script:
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local newMesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMeshFromPartAsync(script.Parent)
newMesh.Scale = script.Parent.Size
newMesh.Parent = script.Parent
local VertexTest = newMesh:FindVerticesWithinSphere(script.Parent.Attachment.CFrame.Position, 1)
for i, v in VertexTest do
newMesh:SetPosition(v, newMesh:GetPosition(v) +, 5, 0))
:RaycastLocal is fine, but it would be so much nicer to have editable meshes play well with workspace:Raycast
. If you want to do something like this right now you essentially have to create your own raycast. I’m sure there’s a good technical reason for this, though.
Other than that, this update is great! I love the new stuff like Parallel Luau, native codegen, buffers and this. Really unlocks so much potential for us.
Hello @LolLiePopcorn648, They have released Generalized Shapecasts workspace:Shapecast()
for casting custom shape’s. Here is the Announcement: Generalized Shapecasts (Note: I do not know if they Currently work with the Editable Meshes, and i can not Test it out as i have switched from Window’s to Linux, Sorry but i hope it helps.)
I wonder when Textures will get NearestNeighbor filtering as an option so we don’t have to upload 8x8 or 16x16 textures upscaled to 1024x1024 just so that they can be sharp and not blurry. Like why hasn’t it happened yet, we already have the “Pixelated” option for ImageLabels but why not Textures/Decals?
When will server-to-client replication come out for this?
Would it be possible to get an ETA on this feature being rolled out?
Please make sure this works with ViewportFrames and has Collision
Change script.Parent.Attachment.CFrame.Position to script.Parent.Attachment.WorldPosition
completely broke doing that
I’m sorry. However, a piece of advice is that the position of the vertex is relative to the center of the mesh, and the position of the attachment is relative to the center and size of the mesh.
Any ETA on when this API will be usable in games?
It’s ridiculous that ETAs aren’t given on such posts. Us developers need to carefully handpick the proper technologies when developing an experience and not knowing how soon a feature is coming out is a huge deal. I cannot stress this enough.
Materials (and MaterialVariants) do not work on EditableMesh for some reason.
Also, this may be out of scope for the EditableMesh feature but it would be cool if materials could be applied at the vertex / triangle level.
I am also running into this issue.
Yes. Roblox team, when will this come out for games and when will server-to-client replication come out everywhere? To me it seems like the feature (or at least EditableImage, which doesn’t seem to have any bugs really) is mostly okay for release (other than needing server-to-client replication) but has a few small bugs. @monsterjunjun @TheGamer101 @FGmm_r2
We have used this technology for our global earth game which has got the whole digital copy of earth. Wedges cause a lot of lag so we need an ETA for this so we can also give our communities and estimated release date for the game.
Awesome! Now we just need the ability to create custom shaders like other major engines, compute shaders included. (Not sure what the technical limitations would be across platforms but I’m sure there’s a way to streamline it somehow?)