Introducing in-experience Mesh & Image APIs [Studio Beta]

Thanks for the report.

If you set the Mesh ID on the MeshPart to some valid Mesh ID, does it still show a checkerboard on your landscape?

Sorry about the wait, turns out i just added a surface appearance and it fixed it-self appreciate your cooperation

I am having the same problem, a project I had that previously didnt have this problem all of a sudden got squares everywhere.

Adding a valid mesh to the mesh ID part does fix the issue, but I would perfer not to have to add pre made meshes to what I am doing. I also had to double the size of all my editable meshes when adding a mesh ID.


Also tried making FFX :smiley:


Hi, Iā€™m sorry for asking again but the answer to my 2nd question was quite unclear. Do you plan on adding blendshapes?

I think blendshapes should be possible with the current API. Iā€™ll see if I can make a code sample for that as well

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Do you know if there are any plans to natively support blendshapes?
Iā€™d imagine doing this every frame for multiple meshes would be incredibly taxing, plus the added bonus of having you parse an fbx/gltf/glb file would be not ideal.

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Thank you, looking forward to this! However I am pretty sure you are not able to currently do this as the vertex indices (from the external editor you create your mesh in) dont match the index numbers (in the table returned by :GetVertices()).

I also agree with the post above

Iā€™m not aware of plans to natively support blendshapes. I assume that youā€™d want this for animating characters? Or what is your use case?

I have two use cases:

  • Slicing meshes. If Iā€™m making a game where you fight enemies with a sword, it could be interesting to implement some slicing mechanics where you can slice maybe an arm of your enemy and then have the enemy still fight while missing an arm.
  • Character customization. Games like Elden Ring have a character customizer where you can modify your body type slightly. Making your character bulkier, leaner, taller, wider, having a single rig that I can modify to achieve this would be amazing.

Yepā€“100% to animate and also to create meshes that deform in a certain way that isnā€™t super possible with bones.
I find the current face bones a bit too difficult to work with, and blendshapes would be a fix all solution to all of the issues. Especially after working in Unity for quite a long time, I find that blendshapes are incredibly useful for character models and for simply deforming a model. I understand the technical difficulty of adding these, but yeah! Thank you.

Hello there, Iā€™m wondering how did you pull off that radius-based collision system?

Iā€™ve been taking a good crack at it for a few hours now but canā€™t seem to get it right and optimized.

I would assume that he uses editableMesh:RaycastLocal() to quickly find the heights and to then position basic parts for collision to the location, which would be easy to find and implement with the grid system of cubes he has going on.


Use nested loops to get the position of voxels around the playerā€™s characterā€™s position.

local collision_radius = 2

for x = character.Position.X - collision_radius, character.Position.X + collision_radius do
   for z = character.Position.Z - collision_radius, character.Position.Z + collision_radius do
      for y = character.Position.Y - collision_radius, character.Position.Y + collision_radius do
         -- You now have the x, y, z positions of a voxel neighbouring the player's character. 
         local voxel -- Index using x, y, z.
         -- Do stuff.

Is it possible for EditableMesh:FindClosestVertex(), EditableMesh:GetVertexNormal(), and EditableMesh:RaycastLocal() to be made Parallel safe? They seem like they would be possible to use in parallel as they dont write over information, but are instead getting information. Would really like to use them in parallel lua but I cant as of right now since they arenā€™t marked for it.


Are there any plans for a :SetVertexMaterial() method?

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Much appreciated for this and also much appreciated to @EvilEyeRule
I will see about having another crack at this sometime this weekend :+1:

Yes, making them thread-safe is in our roadmap, but it will happen after the first public release. Stay tuned!


Currently, we do not plan to support multiple materials within the same mesh. We are considering releasing libraries for creating texture atlases and various texture mappings in the future, but it is not part of our short term roadmap. Have you considered implementing this on your own? Depending on your use case there are several approaches available that you could use. We could prioritize implementing this utility library if thereā€™s enough interest.