Introducing Luau buffer type [Beta]

I’ve come back to this because I was curious if this limit will ever change.

I’d really love to be able to use buffers for our data serialization, as we have a very complex structure & item system in our game, which uses a ton of data. I know there’s ways we could make our data more efficient with strings as is, but I would love to be able to knock it all out with buffers. The 3MB limit is the only thing holding me back, as it’s not worthwhile at that point.


I’m not aware of any plans to increase the DataStore value limit.


Is there plans to make the buffer type available for the SharedTable type?

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+1 on this, shared memory buffers would be very useful, even if we just get simple, not thread safe, read and write

Is there any plans on a terrain :WriteVoxelChannelBuffer() function? Could be very useful.