Introducing New Permissions to Creator Group Roles

I wonder whether there are future plans to introduce additional granularity to the “Configure group revenue” role? For security reasons it would be helpful to have some ways to mitigate risk associated with the ability to send out arbitrary payouts (i.e., specify that a particular user/role can send x R$ in a particular time window).

Super excited for these updates overall! I’m excited that Roblox is investing significantly into the group experience.


guys… it is happening … after years of requesting this feature it is finally gonna be added :face_holding_back_tears:


these updates are incredibly cool ! , but i have a small issue , i gave a user the permission to play all group experiences but that users can not see the groups experiences on the groups page , also i would suggest to add the permission to play certain experiences and not them all in one permission that will help creators to manage their testers and have the ability to split them into groups and each group focus on testing one experience , and the ability to add these roles in the collaborators tap in studio right now it only accept legacy roles


Nice change, but please add separate settings for analytics, it would be awesome to have separate performance and revenue analytics


Do you plan to add a feature possibly to make it so in game things can trigger things in the forums, for example if somebody presses a button in game like an alert a message could appear on the new forums.


Very excited about this! I have a ton of old games on my account that I want to move to my group without breaking teleports and the visit counter.

Will we be able to add group games to our profiles soon? I know there’s a method for this, but it uses Inspect Element and it would be nice to have an official way.


Only legacy group ranks as far as I can see.


Does “Add or remove group members” mean they can accept join requests and exile members? These two really need to be separated, permission to exile is a lot more damaging than permission to accept join requests.

If this is going to replace the original group admin UI, you need to make it have all the individual permissions we had before as a minimum, and add things on top of those.


Good we can finnally cease to GIVE FULL ACCESS to everything because of one things.


Thanks for the cool update! But I have a question: I removed a friend from the old group system and added him to the new one and gave him full access. But he started receiving messages in studio (Failed to load animation with sanitised ID rbxassetid…). And if I add him to the old group system, he doesn’t get this message. And why there are no new groups in the studio in Manage Collaborators ?


I have created a new group, which is a community. On the old management page, I could see everyone, 27 people, but on the new management page, I can only see 25 people. This is due to a bug or slow updates?


What I really need is to be able to set custom permissions with edit access. I don’t want to grant them to the whole group access all games but maybe able to give them custom selection of games there and to edit/play etc. this would really help us prevent making a separate group and dealing with animations and asset uploading problems


Is there a way to list visits from group experiences to the developers/peopple who have these permissions?


Are we ever going to get an option to transfer legacy group roles to the upgraded ones?


Will this be granted to legacy roles with permission to spend group funds, or would I have to create a new role?

Or is this replacing the spend group funds permission?


Will there ever be a way to migrate legacy roles to new ones? And regardless of that, what will happen to the money we put into them?


Can we have permissions to access moderation tools for certain roles?


The group profile permissions shouldn’t include the ability to change the name of the group. It’s an irreversible action that doesn’t (or shouldn’t?) need to be done regularly, and thus should be left to group owners.

Additionally, there should be cautionary features added so people don’t accidentally change the name of the group when they don’t mean to. The original feature under the old group configuration page required that you owned the group and had several steps you had to take to initiate the change (pressing a specific button, clicking the box to accept, entering in the new name in a UI element, I’m also pretty sure you had to unlock your pin but if not that’d also be a good feature etc). With the way it’s currently set up, you could accidentally change the group’s name and not even know it until it was too late. Press the upload button, accidentally press tab and button mash for whatever reason, and if you’re not paying attention your group is getting more than just a new icon


Will we be getting an in-engine API to check for these roles? Being able to give people moderation permissions ingame without assigning them to a publicly visible role would be incredibly useful


This is great! I was wondering if it might be possible to create a separate permission specifically for monitoring bans within the “Configure This Experience” Moderations > Bans page. Our team is currently unsure about the best way to safely grant permissions to an individual who manages bans outside the platform, but needs access to handle them within the platform as well.