Introducing New Permissions to Creator Group Roles

Will there ever be a way to migrate legacy roles to new ones? And regardless of that, what will happen to the money we put into them?


Can we have permissions to access moderation tools for certain roles?


The group profile permissions shouldn’t include the ability to change the name of the group. It’s an irreversible action that doesn’t (or shouldn’t?) need to be done regularly, and thus should be left to group owners.

Additionally, there should be cautionary features added so people don’t accidentally change the name of the group when they don’t mean to. The original feature under the old group configuration page required that you owned the group and had several steps you had to take to initiate the change (pressing a specific button, clicking the box to accept, entering in the new name in a UI element, I’m also pretty sure you had to unlock your pin but if not that’d also be a good feature etc). With the way it’s currently set up, you could accidentally change the group’s name and not even know it until it was too late. Press the upload button, accidentally press tab and button mash for whatever reason, and if you’re not paying attention your group is getting more than just a new icon


Will we be getting an in-engine API to check for these roles? Being able to give people moderation permissions ingame without assigning them to a publicly visible role would be incredibly useful


This is great! I was wondering if it might be possible to create a separate permission specifically for monitoring bans within the “Configure This Experience” Moderations > Bans page. Our team is currently unsure about the best way to safely grant permissions to an individual who manages bans outside the platform, but needs access to handle them within the platform as well.


it doesnt seem like the asset perms are working correctly, my developers said they cannot upload assets through studio even though i have given them all 3 asset permissions…
group owned animations refuse to load as well


Following up here after playing around with roles a bit more and looking at them: there are two things I’d like to check in on.

Add or remove “Role” role members: This is a particularly dangerous permission to grant because it allows anyone in the role to assign it to others. Currently collaboration roles don’t support hierarchy so ultimately it will still fall on the group owner to manage roles for those ranked below. Being allowed to assign someone else the same permissions as yourself is considerably dangerous and nonstandard in role management systems. I think it could use more restriction.

And as a question: is there a way to set up my configuration so that, for example, I can prevent a higher-ranked member without edit access from kicking or banning a lower-ranked member with edit access? I would like to avoid placing developers at ranks higher than leadership for community purposes though I also don’t want to give my leadership team the ability to revoke a developer’s membership in the group. In essence, giving my developers “protected user” status.


Pretty good features! Glad that we can have them and hopefully I can get used to them!


I’m trying to upload a MODEL for one of my groups, I currently have a role with the “Create and configure development items” permission. However, I cannot find how to set the creator of the model I want to upload to be the group and not me. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?


Hey - just confirming you’re looking to upload this file via Studio?


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Hello, I currently have an animator that has all the Asset Permissions (View, create, manage) but is unable to upload animations under the group. The group simply doesn’t appear in the dropdown when publishing an animation. He is able to see Animations under the “Development Items” tab but that’s it.

Would really speed stuff up on our end if he could upload animations on his own.


The lack of any documented APIs (in-engine or web) for these roles is becoming a real issue for me. I have ingame systems that need to be able to check user permissions and right now the only way for me to handle these permissions is to use legacy roles. I would love to have my list of moderators be private for obvious reasons, but that’s just not possible with this setup.


Yes. I right click the model I want to upload from the explorer tab → Save to Roblox → Asset Category = Model and when trying to change creator the only option that appears is me.

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@peraldon do you want me to send some evidence?

When we can give users more acces rn I have the owner role in my group me and my friend not own but are the owners and we have all permissions but still I can’t edit permissions for roles

This would be a great addition. There are some cases when I want only specific people accessing specific analytics.

I also think error logs should be separate and should be viewable by anyone with edit permissions for the game. Developers need to see errors but are unable to without being given full analytics permissions.


Is it possible for us to be able to add permissions for roles in groups that we do not own to edit our games, instead of just play them?

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In our team, members of the Dev group are facing a big problem that greatly complicates development - in roblox studio, animations that are in the group are not played. Please tell me, are there any plans to fix this? Without this, it is very difficult to do anything using animations.


still work in progress i believe, for now use the Legacy roles because they work as intended


Thank you very much. I hope they don’t break the old method until they make it into the new one :slight_smile:

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