I guess that some people just won’t accept the truth and would rather say it’s false and make up a stupid excuse
even a roblox staff member said it’s inaccurate and false but ok
a question, how get touching parts work? it loop on all parts from workspace and make a math?cause people said me get touching parts be slower if have a lot of parts on workspace.
local Origin = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-840, 0, -820))
local Size = Vector3.new(1000, 1000, 1000)
local Params = OverlapParams.new()
Params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {workspace.Trees["Big Bush"]} --> 'Big Bush' only contains two parts inside.
Params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist
local Time1 = os.clock()
workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(Origin, Size, Params)
print(os.clock() - Time1) --> 0.2
In my game it takes 0.2 seconds for this function to run cuz I have a lot of BaseParts, but I have a question. I expect giving a White List would make the process faster since the engine should check only the parts inside the White List. I ran the function without the whitelist:
local Origin = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-840, 0, -820))
local Size = Vector3.new(1000, 1000, 1000)
local Params = OverlapParams.new()
local Time1 = os.clock()
workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(Origin, Size, Params)
print(os.clock() - Time1) --> 0.2
My guesses are that the engine scans the workspace completely and checks if they are in the white list. I don’t like it. Could you guys make it so it scans only the parts inside the white list please? I really need it for my game items. I want to get the nearest ones out of all of them. I would love to tag all my items and pass the table with all items to that function as white list. (Faster than checking for magnitude yourself).
This makes hitboxes infinitely easier to produce. and I love it.
Wait these can be used as shapecasts…
omg it’s actual hitbox time
Getting parts in a radius directly is much better than finding parts in the Region3 and then seeing how far away they are from the center
Also is there a documentation for OverlapParams? How do I properly use them?
As a long-time fan of :GetTouchingParts, but constantly frustrated at it’s terrible limitations, I’ve started using this wide-spread among my games within the past few days, and I’ve gotta say - Wow, not only is this comprehensive & useful, but it’s super intuitive. Just about any setup using Region3 or GetTouchingParts can be so eloquently converted to this new system, saving a few lines of code in the process, usually.
Top notch update, solving one of my oldest problems in Roblox development.
Can’t OverlapParams
and RaycastParams
be combined into one data type like QueryParams
? I find it extremely inconvenient to have to use different data types as they are essentially identical.
Code sample:
local o_params=OverlapParams.new()
--Both use Enum.RaycastFilterType further proving they
--are identical data types
local r_params=RaycastParams.new()
Did WorldRoot:GetPartsInPart()
change recently? I’m pretty sure it used to return Terrain
if the part overlapped with terrain but I just noticed it does not return Terrain anymore. I’m 90% sure this used to return terrain.
Can we please get wiki documentation for these methods?
I hate to necropost, but is there any chance we’ll get events for this API? An event that fires when a new part overlaps the bounding box would be helpful. I can’t think of a more performant method for checking if a player is in a specific area. Constantly checking their position or their distance from a part seems wasteful, while relying on events like .Touched is janky.
Please extend (or rather reduce) this to Points? I am not sure why we can not have “parts that bound a point”, or, “if a point is within the part”.
Will this have performance benefits over Region3? I had to write my own spatial partitioning class for my own engine on Roblox due to performance issues.
Region3 uses AABB, it’s not a true way of seeing if stuff overlaps.
In theory this would be faster than GetTouchingParts, but, Region3 is about the fastest you can get.
So, typically to check collisions fast with this you’d first use Region3 to figure out if the part’s might be touching in a very cheap way, and then you’d use one of the new functions if that first check succeeds.
New functions appear to automatically do this, and are extremely fast.
I’m wondering the same thing here.
I’m working on a character collision system using capsule colliders, and I can’t get collisions to register on terrain, only physical parts in the world. Unlike you, however, I am using GetPartBoundsInRadius
Are there plans to add terrain detection in this API?
but gettouchingparts doesnt return an empty table if cancollide is off
From the developer API reference:
If the part itself has CanCollide set to false, then this function will return an empty table UNLESS it has a
(AKA: Something is connected to its Touched event).
– https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/BasePart/GetTouchingParts
ah explains it all, thank you man
It was returning terrain. Now it’s not. You are right.