Introducing Step Forward Physics

This will be so incredibly useful for my development process, but will this ever come to live experiences too? I for so long have wanted a way to speed up the physics without using some hacky, unsupported solution while also not having to write my own physics system myself.


I personally see this being used in very specific ways. Yet I like it. I just end the game, edit the script, then play again.

This can be used for animation to animation transitions. Also when you use “task.wait()” before something happens.


we need more things like this
also make it into live games


please add this to live games, would be very useful


Enabling this API during runtime from scripts would be a major millstone. Step backwards capabilities would truly take this to the next level though


Is there a reason as to why the manual physics stepping does not fire the RunService.PostSimulation event?

This stepping feature is incredibly helpful for debugging collisions for very fast objects in my game. However, it not firing PostSimulation is a large issue if I wish to calculate a new position & velocity on PreSimulation, then set those values on PostSimulation. I don’t want the physics engine to move them after I’ve already calculated and set what should be its position and velocity on the next frame.


If you pause physics then press any of the WASD keys to move the camera it drift away in a certain direction while the key is held, if you unpause the physics after this the camera is just stuck. (it doesn’t get set back to custom from fixed)

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Could you see if this issue is solved by enabling the “New Studio Camera Controls” studio beta?


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This seems to have fixed it, pressing WASD now does not affect the camera.

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Will we ever see a release for games and not just a tool for plugins?