Introducing SurfaceGui Editor

What does it do?
Allows you to use handles to position, size and rotate objects inside a SurfaceGui

How do I use it?

  • Select any SurfaceGui, click the “Select Gui” button in the plugin interface
  • Now, select any gui object descendant of that SurfaceGui
  • You can now edit said object with the toolbar that should have appeared under it, as well as…

Interface options
There are various buttons and text boxes you can use to edit the gui objects.

  • Move/Resize color
    Changes the color of the move/resize handle
  • Speed
    Changes the speed of the handles
  • Increment
    Changes the increment of the handles

(Use the “Apply settings” button to apply all of the above settings)

  • Clear selection
    Clears the selection, clicking the “Select Gui” option on another SurfaceGui will automatically do the trick.
  • Center anchor point
    Automatically centers the gui object and its anchor point for easier editing
  • Flip Axis
    Flips the handles axis



About time we got a SurfaceGui Editor! Most definitely staying on my plugins tab


This type of editor should just be nativly in roblox, im tired of using the properties tab


absoluetly amazing i needed this for years

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I might turn this into a tool which you can use in-server.

It’d work as a complement to F3X.

That sounds awesome! If you need it, you can use this topic where Lauri9 helped me a lot with some parts of the plugin: Making a part "follow" a surface gui object - #17 by Reset1435366

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heck ya thank you so much, gotta be so helpful!


This is super useful! I am extremely grateful that you made this for everyone!

I would suggest moving the post to #resources:community-resources so that more people can find it.

Love it! :heart::+1:

Thank you! I might move it some time later, glad it helps.

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