I like this feature a lot. As I’m reading, it’s only allowed to ban 50 players maximum. For games with a lot of players and rule breakers, it can be challenging because the chance that there has to be more then 50 bans is high. I request that the maximum should be unlimited or atleast 1000-5000
A good update would be so if you are banned from your main or an alt acount you get banned on all acounts that you have entered from that device so if i use my pc and get banned all my alt acounts get banned as well because you have entered from your device in those acounts.This would be more helpful for game ban not acount ban so if you get banned from a game you get banned from your alt acounts as well.I know this wouldn’t be very effective because they probably have other devices or just create new acounts if those aren’t susceptible to the hardware ban but it would be effective at discouraging this practise so the same players actualy face consequences and nuke them in the worst way possible.
you can only ban/unban 50 players at a time using BanAsync and UnbanAsync.
you can have an unlimited amount of concurrent bans though
“My brother cheated on my computer” is the “my dog ate my homework” of ban appeal excuses. This ‘problem’ being part of the rationale behind weakening the Ban API is VERY discouraging to hear as part of a development team trying to create a fair, fun, competitive game on the ROBLOX platform.
Your systems don’t need to disambiguate the difference - this sibling problem represents an edge case, not the majority of scenarios. Most alt accounts are intentionally created by individuals attempting to bypass rules, exploit systems, or evade bans. Designing an entire system around rare edge cases leads to inefficiency and harms the majority of developers trying to create a fair experience.
Your account moderation systems can detect behavioral differences between two legitimate users and one person controlling multiple accounts. Playstyle patterns, IP activity over time, device metadata, and session overlaps can help differentiate real siblings from exploitative behavior. Please use it.
Weakening the Ban API due to uncertainty about a small subset of sibling accounts risks enabling rampant abuse by rule-breakers.
Let me state this more clearly - the integrity of competitive game experiences that will generate revenue for ROBLOX and help “age” the platform into an older demographic is under threat. While the ‘sibling problem’ is a real technical challenge, it should NOT be used to justify weakening the Ban API - the only real means to keep bad actors out of experiences.
Edge cases shouldn’t dictate the broader enforcement strategy, especially when advanced behavioral analysis and appeal mechanisms can address these rare scenarios without compromising overall system integrity.
Sadly I almost guarantee half of these nonsensical requirements aren’t actually put forth by the people developing the systems and instead mandated by higher-ups who don’t actually understand what these systems are for. Same reason the exploit ban policy is 1day-3day-7day-deletion instead of immediate termination. Policy designed to keep metrics stable rather than empower developers to combat bad actors.
What ? You can ban a unlimited amount of players…Imagine if you could only ban 50 that would be useless
You can only enter 50 IDs at a time.
I’m ngl them using this as an excuse for their failing API raises a big red flag for me. It’s not rational. Half a year of stagnation and the excuse we get is something a child would come up with.
Ohhh! i get it now, thank you!!
One question, sorry if these are already answered but I really don’t care. Does this apply to ALT accounts? If the Roblox Banning API detects an ALT account bypassing a ban issued on the main account, would it automatically result in a ban, and can this ban not be removed by game creators? Does the individual have to contact Roblox support specifically to have it removed?
It’s supposed to do this in 100% of cases. It does not do it in 100% of cases currently. In the cases that it does, yes, it applies a ban on detected alts after detecting that the main is banned. You can unban them from the Bans page on their main or alt by clicking the checkbox next to their name and clicking unban. You cannot see the username of the banned main when an alt is automatically banned, though.
This has happened to me before, as my friend @smarklot who logged onto my computer to play once got banned from an experience, and I was associated as his alt.
rip my 1058 robux i spent on the paid access game
(edit: would contacting roblox support help me in any way with this situation?)
This MUST be a feature of this tool.
It is essential that developers and moderators are able to see the associations between detected and banned accounts.
Take for example this real life scenario, which I experienced just recently:
A player comes asking for a ban appeal, and pinky promises that he wasn’t cheating, and writes a sob story. His account seems legit enough. Your own logs and documentation don’t seem to have any mention of the account in question. We’ll say that sometimes your mods get a bit lazy (they are human) and sometimes put one-word private ban reasons, like “exploiting,” or perhaps they were in a rush because they catch a cheater in-person and need them out asap. We’ll also assume that they are sometimes a bit trigger happy on bans, because they tire of exploiters, and occasionally ban very suspicious looking accounts without hard proof. What do you do in this scenario?
It’s okay to be concerned about the sibling problem, but please, don’t tie our hands in the process. Let us have proper tools to deal with issues like this, I beg you.
I predict and fear that we will be denied this feature because of “privacy concerns.”
I have an issue regarding to this new APi you’ve all set. Well, not me but my friend technically. He recently got banned on his main and upon switching to his roblox ranking account which is used for the group he holds with 900+ members, his acc was deleted. How can he appeal if his appeal is always rejected?
Why only 50? What if more than 50 people need to be banned?
You can ban 50 IDs at a time, not in total.
Hi Creators,
We would like to clarify an update we made about the Ban API management dashboard late last year.
Please note that at its current state, this dashboard contains only universe-level bans, i.e., bans created via the Engine method Players:BanAsync()
with ApplyToUniverse
set to true or the OpenCloud API method UpdateUserRestriction
with the resource path /cloud/v2/universes/{universe_id}/user-restrictions
To query place-level bans, please use the ListUserRestrictions
API using the place-level resource paths per the OpenCloud documentation.
Thank you.
In this case, you should reach out to the experience creators with some explanation. Only they will be able to unban you.
Why can’t we see all bans on the dashboard? The limitation to Universe bans is making management harder for us as developers. I don’t see a reason for this behaviour at all. Please let me know if there is a reason for this.
And I have a feature request for the BanAPI: Allow to ban from just one specific private server by using the game.PrivateServerID. At the moment the Ban API is useless for Admins on Private Servers.
Theres a problem when trying to unban people after banning them with the HD ban panel when “ban alts” is turned on: The problem is I now have to unban the person twice, once on the banland panel and the other on the ban page for my game on the Creator Hub. This only happen when you ban the player with the HD ban panel.