Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

This was apparently an important distinction to show it hadn’t come from Roblox, see this:

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Yes, but after some time, they also discovered that using Different Origin ips (By creating an account with a different ip), will also not affect, even with the Alt account detection turned on.

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Can agree.

Instead of banning the person like saying it was by the creator, they could just simply put something like “By a moderator”, and it wont feel so personal.


Exactly, check my recent reply about this

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i think i already can see how drastic would be to know about…


The moderation tab is just suddenly nonexistent?


Edit: Just minutes after sending this the entire platform experienced a “degraded performance” according to their status website. So this will (probably?) be fixed soon.

Edit again: 2 hours later Roblox status is back to normal but still no moderation page :melting_face:, I just ended up using a datastore to keep track of it for now.


Why was the topic about the moderation tab being silently deleted… silently deleted? What is going on?


In that case they could replace “owner” with “experiences moderation team.”

Example: “You’ve been banned from the experience by its moderation team. Here’s the message they provided:”

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First time seeing that post, I believe it was removed because its in the “Development Discussion” category and not the “Bug Reports” category.

Most people can’t make bug reports to begin with so I honestly find it annoying that they just silently took down a potential issue. Could have at least provided a message before locking the thread stating the reason, but ohhhh welllll.

Also still not fixed. No where to be seen.


Well this is not good timing after I made the decision do a wipe for the bans from my PERMA DEATH game where if you die you get banned. Anyone got a workaround to unban mass amounts of people right now?

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You can utilize the Open Cloud API to firstly list all UserRestrictions and then update them by setting active to false.

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Is there progress being made on the effectiveness of these bans?

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I have the Ban Menu back (when reading this the first time it was also unavailable for me). I have only tested it with the mobile android app version but I assume it is the same system as for PC. I can’t say why it was unavailable but I hope it was just a bug.

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Since the alt detection isn’t working, perhaps an alternative system: Optional phone verification requirement for your games.



cmon man.

local config = {
    UserIds = {userId},
    Duration = timeconv,
    DisplayReason = "You are banned for " .. info.ban_length .. " day(s) for '" .. info.ban_reason,
    PrivateReason = privateReason,
    ExcludeAltAccounts = not isExploiting,
    ApplyToUniverse = true

You can already script something like that using Player:IsVerified().

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Has the Ban API been updated to detect alt accounts, or is it still using the old method of detecting alt accounts?

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I’m encountering an issue with the BanAsync message filtering because of the ban case id in randomized alphanumerical name. I don’t think I can implement BanAsync for my upcoming release Essential Admin.


I believe similar to the Kick() API, some part of the message should be able to be added without filtering.

For example, a mod can input a ban message like "Harassment is not allowed’ and the server would process it and also append “Contact mods for an appeal” or anything of sorts.

That way, important necessary details are available to the users at the cost of moderating the developer for what they append.

Maybe something like a predefined nonscriptable Post/Premessage property in game.Players? This message would appear on ALL bans and can be moderared similarly to how devs are moderated on their text choices in games, rather than relying on real-time filtering.

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yeah, my ban system also uses an event id.

stripping it out sucks, but for permabans it’s not really needed, but for normal ones the message is tagged. i use a truncated sha1 so stuff like “12f3b6e4” trips the filter. even stuff like “You are banned for 30 day(s)” is tagged due to numbers for some reason, really stupid.

maybe the sha1 is detected as a possible discord invite code?