Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

Private reasons are not filtered.


and then there’s me that lets my anticheat autoban cause I got tired of watching for exploiters 24/7 lol-

Yeah, I hope they acknowledge this or if it is intentional, be more transparent on it.

Thanks for pointing this out. Unfortunately I made a mistake when writing the documentation. I will fix this immediately.


this is a great update, will make it much easier for us devs to ban players. However, will something like this ever be added to the roblox website? Like if you get banned on one account you will also be banned on your other accounts and cannot create anymore accounts?

The ban history data will persist indefinitely. Data may be deleted to comply with right to be forgotten regulations, but at that point the user is deleted altogether, which is kind of the ultimate ban.


cool and all but could you focus on important stuff like half the PC player base lagging horribly? or is it to much to ask for…?

Not all open source codes are that exploitable to perform unauthorized actions against innocent players though. If they do, they shouldn’t even be published on Roblox community anyway. Which is also why every developers should inspect every aspect of open-source code they want to use, especially in important areas such as remotes & HTTP requests, because who knows if the project manager’s account will eventually get compromised someday.

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Where is the docs related to the “moderator” field? I don’t see that its possible to add that as a field for updating a user restriction and passing a specific moderator user for open cloud.

Apparently “UnbanAsync” doesn’t work.
I’m trying to unban an account and it’s still banned.

Same problem here. Im trying to use :UnbanAsync() in-game and it doesn’t seem to be working

Same issue for me, the bans only work on a per account basis it seems.
Not really much better than DataStore stuff right now, but I assume this is some sort of bug.
Ban one account, try to rejoin on that same account, banned. Switch to another account, unbanned. (Even when ExcludeAltAccounts is set to false, so it should be keeping my alternative accounts off the game.)

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Having this same issue as well.

It’s about time. Banning players will be a much more easier task now, just one question: As a banned user if I attempted to join the experience what would happen? Do I just get kicked normally or does it prevent me from joining on the loading screen, something like that.

This will certainly save me a lot of trouble wiring up some sort of ban system for my games. I suggest allowing developers to add a button onto the ban message which redirects banned players to somewhere on Roblox, typically so players can appeal their ban easier.

This button also goes for Kick messages if the developers are handling the ban system themselves.

How are you calling it? You just gotta set active to false iirc

Is the alternative account detection rolled out yet? How does it work? I’ve tried it, but it does not necessarily work.

What would be really nice would be a separate API that allows for alt detection only. I’d much prefer hosting my bans off of Roblox servers (so i may save specific moderator data, share it across games, allow for link and file uploads, etc).

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thought roblox forgot about this, but omg glad seeing this getting implemented!! thanks a bunch!



Can we write not so nice words in the ban reason?

Example: “pedophilia”, “nazi content”, etc

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