Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

Out of curiousity, what would the use case be for this since they would basically be instantly removed from the game again upon joining

the only scenario I see this being of use is if the banned user somehow bypasses their ban (?)

How often do you use that alt? I have been testing this and it seems like it takes a while before the system matches your alt to your main account. Only the alts which we frequently use for testing got picked up, while lesser used ones we logged into managed to slip right in despite using the exact same client.

So, when they first announced this update a few months ago, i started working on a plugin. I set up everything so when they released the update, all I had to do was add the ban/unban command.

Sadly, after testing, i get an error:
BanAsync() can only be called on the server

It is a server script

Here is my script:

local config: BanConfigType = {
		UserIds = {2758548757},
		Duration = 500,
		DisplayReason = 'test',
		PrivateReason = 'test2',
		ExcludeAltAccounts = false,
		ApplyToUniverse = true

	local success, err = pcall(function()
		return Players:BanAsync(config)

if success then
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hey, if its out yet, how do i set it up? sorry if its a dumb question.

There is a Documentation Page for setting this up

This is quite possibly the greatest thing to happen in the history of roblox studio (bias opinion)

Sorry for asking, but are the bans HWID and IP based, or email based?

No, it’s actually based on your MAC address, it also only detects alts that are active. I don’t know if this is supposed to be some kind of a joke from roblox.

Buddy it’s MAC address 100%. Here is a testing game I’ve made so you can check it out Testing Alt Ban Api - Roblox

Yes, we will be continuously improving the alt accounts service to use a wider variety of signals and improving model accuracy.


Alts that are active? Shouldn’t it be the other way around if anything. Exploiters and other players always have alts laying around.

However, that could explain why my alt wasn’t banned when I banned my main account off my game.

Will you be able to see who’s the owner of an alt, or solely if it is an alt or not?

Another absolute W from Roblox. Been waiting for this update for a while now :pray:

Yeah and that is hella weird, I hope roblox fixes it because as for now it’s just better to use your own detection.

Private reasons are not filtered.


and then there’s me that lets my anticheat autoban cause I got tired of watching for exploiters 24/7 lol-

Yeah, I hope they acknowledge this or if it is intentional, be more transparent on it.

Thanks for pointing this out. Unfortunately I made a mistake when writing the documentation. I will fix this immediately.


this is a great update, will make it much easier for us devs to ban players. However, will something like this ever be added to the roblox website? Like if you get banned on one account you will also be banned on your other accounts and cannot create anymore accounts?

The ban history data will persist indefinitely. Data may be deleted to comply with right to be forgotten regulations, but at that point the user is deleted altogether, which is kind of the ultimate ban.