Introducing the Maximum Framerate setting

But this is still a cool feature i can respect, would be cool if we got a 30 FPS option and maybe a game-specific forced FPS like how some StarterPlayer stuff have “UserChoice” thing, so it would be useful for devs who want to make a old PS2 style game on Roblox with a 30 FPS lock


This is such a good update I’m so glad we finally have an official fps unlocked.

Now people wont have to worry about always updating a third party one!

Oh yeah sorry I forgot about Pro Motion its a weird name for 120 hz


Best update of the year

Will there ever be ways to change the FPS cap to something lower than 60? Sometimes I’ll set the FPS to something very low if I’m idling on a game for a few minutes since there is no reason to be running at 240 FPS if the game isn’t being used. Usually I set it to something low like 10 but even a 30fps option could be good.

Also, a 165 FPS cap would be nice as that’s also quite common.


old roblox shadows were cast based on the vertex’s of each player model which is why they’re pin sharp. it worked back then because roblox characters didn’t have many vertices and it was pretty performant, however it won’t work as well now because characters need more polygons and verticies to look better and enough to be expressive.

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Looks like bloxstrap is useless now.


Finally, i never used the FPS unlocker but I have a higher end PC and with roblox running at 60 fps, it was kinda a waste, granted I don’t play roblox all the time and play other titles but its nice to take advantage of higher fps


If this really is the implementation, which I have actually suspected to be the case for a long time, it is actually incorrect and leads to stuttering and drift. It should be the number of seconds between the previous two PostSimulation calls, not since the last call. This video demonstrates why this is the case extremely well.

I believe that a number of these RunService events actually provide you with an incorrect delta time.

I have always had to implement the following code to get correct results:

local frame1 = os.clock() -- The previous frame
local frame2 = frame1 - 1/60 -- The frame prior to the previous frame

    local deltaTime = frame1 - frame2 -- Measure the time between the last two frames

    -- code here (correct deltaTime computation)

    frame2 = frame1 -- Move the last frame time back
    frame1 = os.clock() -- Measure the current frame time and store it

All I ask is please don’t forget about us Mac Users!


make sure to let us DEVELOPERS to LOCK framerate for our games, WE know our games best so we SHOULD have this option available


Thanks alot! Could you maybe also add a 165 FPS option?

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  • Having a consistent framerate when your computer can’t reach 60.
  • Matching the refresh rates of older monitors and preventing wasted frames.
  • Saving on battery life.
  • Aesthetic reasons. Classic players would love this option as “old Roblox” ran in a <60 framerate.
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See this: post:

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Let’s gooo!! Such a nice feature we have all wanted. Also a question, is there a plan to add values <60 into this setting? Thanks for the awesome update Roblox!


rbx fps unlocker developer can finally rest now because we got the official support


This is such an amazing update! Thank you

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After seeing my FPS default to 240, I went to change it to 120 and uhh, it didn’t apply the new setting. Even after rejoining, it’s still 240 FPS


30 FPS cap would be nice. I have many friends of mine who’s machines don’t even reach 60 FPS, especially when playing games, and a 30 FPS cap would make the gameplay feel less jittery.

And also testing code at lower refresh rates are good too. It’s a win win for both the developers and the players


I have a monitor that runs higher than 240hz… and not to sound spoiled but I am used to those higher frame rates. I’m not sure if it is just me but I can tell the difference between 240 and 500 fps.
Is it possible that roblox is going to add an unlimited or custom fps cap feature? Or maybe an option to disable it in all? Plus I like being able to set the fps with external json files for testing my scripts for delta time issues in studio.


This update is causing me to fly sooo much faster in Studio and I don’t like it.