Introducing Today’s Picks - A New Curated Sort on Home [Pilot]

Wow, you’ve put my thoughts over the past few years into a concise message so precisely.
I literally couldn’t agree more and it gets really tiring seeing these companies/institutions do this.
Have an awesome day

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I can not stress enough that I absolutely love all the updates you guys have been making to game recommendations lately. They’ve helped smaller developers a ton with getting games out there, and honestly it’s amazing.

Besides this update. This update is not very good.

Every time I looked at the picks, I never saw anything that interested me, which is a big problem. My recommended consists of stuff like donation games, sandboxes, obbies, tycoons, stuff like that… why do I see a bunch of RPGs and mind-numbing simulators in my Today’s Picks? It’s a lot less like the recent algorithms you’ve made, and a lot more like the old one. You know, the one everyone hated?

Speaking of that, the games in Today’s Picks are almost always well-known games with millions and millions of visits. That goes against all the recent recommendation updates you’ve been making before this. I’d say this is probably due to needing to complete the Nomination Survey which… locking this feature behind a blatantly biased survey just kinda serves to hurt most developers rather than help them.

And apparently this has been crushing the CCUs of a ton of developers. Not me though, but that’s because I’m just not popular enough to notice a drop in that sort of thing. Definitely needs to be noted though - this IS actively hurting people.

I recommend scrapping this update, it was entirely unnecessary and has only really served to hurt some developers. But if you don’t, I recommend you do the following:

  • Improve the algorithm used for Today’s Picks like you did with normal recommendations.
  • Might be a hot take, but I recommend changing the amount of games on display from 4 to 8. It could definitely help variety (I’ve seen 3 of the same style of game appear once lol)
  • REMOVE THE SURVEY AND LET ANYONE USE THIS FEATURE. This one specifically NEEDS to change if this update can be seen as some sort of positive to ANYONE besides those already successful developers.

Please, either scrap this update when the testing period ends, or fix the issues it has before fully releasing it. Either are preferable, just do something.


Does anyone know where this iteration of Today’s Picks is? I’ve never been able to find it on the Home or Discover pages. Strangely, I’ve never seen it during this entire testing run.

I’ve looked on the Home page, never seen it anywhere. As required, my language is set to English.

That goes for both PC (app and website) and mobile. I haven’t seen it on any platform.

It’s believed to be in A/B testing, so either you see it, or you don’t. Really don’t know why they didn’t specify that.

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Please stop burying the continue category and the favorites category. Please put today’s picks & recommended for you below the continue & favorite category or just move it to discover. Please stop treating the home page as the discover page if I want to find games I will go to discover. This new UI personally makes my experience worse as I have to scroll pass all this stuff just to get to the categories I’m actually on that page for.

Please just put these categories on the discover page at the very top with their wide thumbnails instead of jamming them in the home page and cluttering up the page.


Thanks Roblox, I love finding new, high quality and underrated games that aren’t on the front page!


it’s not botted… players just dont play 24/7 lol

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Would be nice to know if my game got rejected, kinda annoying when you don’t know what it was rejected.


My home page recommendations were good the last few months, until now. With this this months being far lower than normal, right after this update, my player count and revenue is falling! The “todays picks” section (ie just games with 100s of millions of visits already section and putting the continue section even lower) update has not helped at all.

This + removing user ads with no sufficient alternative is horrible for small devs. WHY roblox, WHY! Listen, pleaseeee?


Wow this is sad to read, and describes me in the current situation as well. CCUS dropping ever since this update. Just sad.

Also no more user ads next week…

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Don’t you think it would be more fair for everyone if it wasnt the same games week over week that was in Today’s pick?
its starting to be really anoying.


Most games have a mobile playerbase of over 50%, you should not be releasing games without support for mobile

Some games are simply incompatible with mobile. It cannot always work out.