Introducing UIBlox Tools [Plugin]

Hello all.

I recently have been learning to make plugins, and with that, I came up with an idea, I wanted to revamp My UIBlox Starter Kit into a plugin.

And I did, and I am so happy to say that my first ever plugin, UIBlox Tools has been released.

UIBlox Tools is very basic but can be very useful. It allowed for quick creation of all the elements in Mek’s UIBlox Starter Kit, but quicker and easier.

Those are:

  • A background
  • A split line
  • An empty button
  • A full button
  • A header
  • A paragraph


Get it here:


Could you include a video of the plugin?


I would and I tried, but Roblox is so strict with its 10MB size limit, and other upload services are messy or require an account.

Edit: I ended up compressing it, and it’s uploading now.

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Update Plans 11/5/22:

V.1.1 Is now in development! This will include the following features:

  • A settings panel, with settings that change the way UIs are made
  • Plus an option to change these settings right when a new UI object is made