Introducing UnreliableRemoteEvents

i would read this blog A reliable case for unreliable packets - boyned's blog

Yep there is fire server on this

Scripters of ROBLOX the day has come, this will give our games such better performance while making our lives easier, great update for once, i hope they can keep the ball rolling in a good direction instead of bad.


Yoo mobile data update 900 bytes at most

I think I understand how it works now, and it seems really useful.

But I’m still unsure if it should be used in an input system for a fast paced combat game, on one hand it’s faster to arrive (huge improvement) so I’m leaning more toward using it for inputs, but the packet can also be dropped, meaning it wont register which I don’t know how often packets drop but if its frequent that might get annoying. Just want to hear other peoples thoughts on if it should be used for Inputs.

Overall really happy with this update! Hope to see more optimization focused updates in the future.

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Can someone explain why these are better than normal remote events? I don’t doubt they have their use, but I don’t understand the point. Any meaningful use case as example? Would they improve performance, when used alongside normal RemoteEvents? Do they send data between client\server faster? I assume so since people are talking about improving fast-paced combat games.

They aren’t “Better” than remote events, each have their use case as the name suggests, Unreliable Remotes are more useful for network performance in instances where you don’t care if the recieved event actually suceeded, something the likes of a hit effect or a hit sound, while regular remotes will delay other calls until it is guaranteed that said call is recieved on the client, by not waiting for a guarantee that the client recieved the call it allows unreliable remotes to continue on to the next call without delaying others and instead dropping the failed call thereso improving ping, it will still attempt to finalize all the calls though, to clarify this is only my understanding from reading everything here, free to correct me on anything.

I’ve considered doing this, the issue is that I want to use as less data as possible.

Sending over a single integer or number through a remote event already uses about 9 bytes of data for just the number.
I think this also has to do due the fact that Roblox uses like 64-bit numbers or something.

All my remotes must operate with as least data as possible and use the smallest amount of bandwidth.
If there won’t be some kind of unreliable ordered remote event then I’ll have to think of a different approach that uses the data already available.

I’ve considered using unreliable remote events for possibly projectile or player character physics.
One thing I maybe could do is compare distances between varying positions and discard the ones that have the smallest distance or would result in the player rubberbanding.

Only thing that would make rubberband checks difficult to do is if the player were to constantly run left-right-left-right or do a wall jump, so I’d have to compare directions as well.

By my understanding this is extremely useful, I personally picture it like this:

Remote Events
1. Combat Function Executes
2. Combat Function Fires a Hit Effect Remote  [[This Remote Delays]]
3. Combat Function Fires a Hit Sound Remote -- Waiting.. what's the delay?...
4. Combat Function Fires a more Important Remote -- Waiting... what's the delay?...
Final. Hit Effect Remote failed, drop and continue others [[After]] delay

Unreliable Remote Events
1. Combat Function Executes
2. Combat Function Fires a Hit Effect Remote [[This Remote Delays]]
3. Combat Function Fires a Hit Sound Remote -- Don't care that it delays, continue...
4. Combat Function Fires a more Important Remote -- Don't care that it delays, continue...
Final. Hit Effect Remote failed, no one cares and others were sent [[without]] delay

The way I would use it is:

1. Combat Function Executes
2. Combat Function Fires an [[Unreliable Remote Event]] for a hit effect.
3. Combat Function Fires a [[Remote Event]] for a more important action.
4. Combat Function Fires an [[Unreliable Remote Event]] for a hit sound.

I have no idea if this is actually how it works, but it’s my pleasure picturing of it :joy:


FInally! It’ll help players and developpers.

They aren’t better or worse remote events.

They’re low-priority remote events that can be used for sending over data that can be dropped if it uses too much bandwidth or if server performance is degraded.

They’re useful for things like buffers or if your game uses it’s own physics / projectile systems.

When a player moves you don’t always need to update their position accurately 60 times a second.
Sometimes you can sorta predict which way they’re moving and drop the data that wouldn’t make a big difference in how they move around.

For projectile physics (e.g. bullets, rockets, snowballs, paintball guns, etc) you don’t have to send every single position update.

If you see a rocket moving forward in a straight line you can probably predict that it will still follow that same line of traversal 5 seconds later, so we don’t have to constantly update it’s position.

But let’s say the rocket gets hit by some wind or it’s a heat-seeking rocket?
That would obviously affect it’s way of traversal, therefor we update the position a bunch of times so all clients get a more accurate representation of the rocket.

But a lot of that position updating data might be excessive or unnecessary so we can drop some of it.

Pretty sure Roblox internally already does this with their own physics engine.


I see a lot of people commenting about the name, but I personally think that other names suggested here are even more misleading then the current name. The events are “unreliable” because they make no promises, not about order, not about receipt. They are not meant for data you need to rely on.

Calling them something like “Unordered” masks the fact that these events can be lost to the void completly. Sending: 1, 2, 3, 4 could result in 2, 4, 3. That’s not just unordered. A developer who doesn’t understand UDP/TCP is probably going to be more confused that one of their messages for an “unordered” event didn’t show up.

Realistically the problem here is that UnreliableRemoteEvents are not suited for anyone who doesn’t already understand their use case. It’s something that someone should not use unless they have a good grasp of what it does, why it’s different, and the kind of information you want to send unreliably. Unfortunetly there are a lot of things in programming that have a sharp learning curve if you want to open the possibilities to developers to optimize and make some truely amazing tech on your platform.

And this isn’t to say that people shouldn’t want and try to learn, but I see a lot of people asking “why should I use this over normal events” and the answer to them is “you shouldn’t use them at all.” Instead you should work on making robust code and learning about standard data architecture and protocols over time and when you reach questions like, “RemoteEvents always promise order and receipt… How do I send this data that I need to send very rapidly and like… all the time… without it clogging up the bandwidth pipeline? Data that is okay if it’s lost to lag because it won’t even matter if we have inaccurate data later because we’ll get new data?” You answer it with, “UnreliableRemoteEvents!”

TL:DR: Keep learning, this feature is not a beginner level feature and if the documentation/explination doesn’t make sense to you right now that’s okay. Keep pushing yourself and one day it’s gonna make sense and that’s when you’ll get use out of it.


i think if the packet does drop. you want to make sure that the packet isn’t one that if it does drop will break the game or disrupt gameplay severely. so for combat, depending if you do damage verification on the server. it’s not the end of the world if it drops.

plus, because of the behaviour of unreliable remotes, you can keep sending the signal till the packet gets through, and it wont hinder other signals being sent because it has to send the packet before the next signal is sent.

You make a very solid point here.
I would not recommend using unreliable remote events ever unless you know what you’re doing.

I feel like they’re slightly more niche tools that you use if you’re developing more advanced things like your own physics or animation engine from scratch.

Most of the time if you’re making a very simple Roblox game with standard physics, raycasting laser guns and whatnot, let’s say… 99% of the time you’re not going to need unreliable remotes.

Unreliable remotes have very niche and specific usecases.

I want to experiment making my own physics engine from scratch sometime, perhaps a old school physics emulator.
But using reliable remotes might result in excessive data being send over.

Most of these physics I can likely predict ahead of time, interpolated or interpreted and probably only need to replicate if a lot of objects are let’s say… colliding and bouncing off each other.

In such cases, a unreliable remote might help with updating and syncing up the physics and rigid bodies.
But since they’re unreliable, they might drop data if the server is getting laggy or if player’s are experiencing poor performance.

Which is intended behavior, when the server has to handle too much, we want to drop some load so the server can have a bit of breathing room and catch up again.


i think you’re on the right lines, i find it interesting you have a separate remote for the sound and not just put the sound as part of the effect function

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Ooh, a new RemoteEvent.
Quite nice if i say so.

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Well I also need other sounds that do not need hit effects eg.

:FireAllClients("Sound",{Sound = "CastVoiceline"})
:FireAllClients("Sound",{Sound = "ChargeInitial"})

So either I would add into my hit function like so

function client.HitEffect(...)
  local info =...;
  if info.onlysound then


Which is essentially…the same thing, overall I need more control of sounds outside of hit effects so yeah, that’s why


This sounds like a case where the effect can be done locally for each client, avoiding the need for remote events altogether

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If the client is aware of said combat event, they can create particles based on that one event aswell, without requiring a seperate, unreliable effects event.

As for guns, if I fire a round and it hits for me, I expect that the server acknowledges that, instead of nothing happening and the round seemingly having vanished.


For one, when using unreliable remote events the sender won’t receive an acknowledgement so that’s one less packet.

Furthermore, with unreliable remote events, the server/client won’t resend the packet if it’s dropped, since there is no acknowledgement. Thus, no extra packets will be sent, which is especially noticeable when there is high packet loss.

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