Introducing Videos in the Marketplace!

Is this feature even going to be available to developers? As mentioned prior, it has so much potential for games yet remains so heavily limited.


Then it would become audio update part 2, the person they commissioned would upload, but then the group that actually needs to use it, cant since privacy


I’ll add video on a Part and when player spawned video not visible…


Where is this feature at? It’s been 2 years!


Hey @RoxyBloxyy It has been two years since you posted this topic. Do you have any updates about uploading our own videos? Is this still worked on? Do you know why this is taking so long? We are really curious about when this update could be a reality. Many people are looking forward to uploading their own videos and use them in their own experiences.

Please let us know what is going on :slightly_smiling_face:.


So clearly videos are still heavily being used? They get used in every single god damn concert half of them seeming to be uploaded to this account so like when we gonna get some updates on this cause at this point this lack of communication is just getting out of hand. How do you expect developers to stay on your platform year after year if you aren’t giving out any updates at all on these types of features.

Hate to bring out another rant on this topic and yes I’m gonna say a few mean words so if hurts you to see them I’d stop reading now…

Proceeding on with the rest of the rant clearly Roxy is just vanished off the platform
as last we’ve seen her appear active on the forums was in September even then her last post was last year in July… You know its crazy to think this feature was released announced and since then we have heard absolutely nothing from no one. As david said him self over 1000 engineers on roblox and not ONE engineer can provide a single update on the status of this feature. Its quite a shame really as day after day we try to keep this post active just so we can get update on this feature but they never seem to appear. I always wonder why roblox releases updates and just never updates them at all or even informs the community on whats going on with that said feature.

My biggest complaint on roblox just has to be their lack of communication, if roblox isn’t communicating to their developers what are we really benefiting from as a developer on roblox? Its sad really seeing a great feature have great potential and the team working on it just dips into the void like a ghost. What makes it worse is this isn’t just one time they’ve done this and I hate to see it happen day after day with tons of features. My most memorable has to be grass. I bring it up day after day in many other post and yet no updates are made from Roblox nor their team on the status of that said update.

Really what makes it even worse and not even staff knows any updates on certain features example I asked josh if he knew any updates on the grass update and this was his response post from joshsedai.

And Dynamic Skies am I right? You guys wanna see what roblox does?

Haha you can see the sun?

Now you can’t! HAHA Get it? cause roblox covers up all the good updates behind a wall we can’t get past?

LMAO! If you didn’t get that last part cause roblox never released V2 of clouds which WOULD have allowed you to go above the clouds :rofl: (again no updates on that either)
Hey but what do I know I’m just your average robloxian lad which I suppose does make it worse as lower you are on the developer food chain less information you get sent to you.

Heh, you guys remember this stunt from roblox?

I sure do, they literally sent a private PM to top developers with clearly no intention on sending a notice to less known developers cause yk we don’t matter. If you ain’t pullin in profit no need to inform you on updates know what I mean hahaaaaa :neutral_face:

Anyways, to all those lovely people at the bottom of Roxy’s post you are officially on my no fly list :upside_down_face:

Respectfully speaking if anyone has LITERALLY any updates on what is going on with this update or any of the LEFT IN THE DARK updates for that matter feel free to let me know cause I’d love to share the message. We really need to be putting roblox on blast not only here but all over social media cause all this “Put developers in the dark” bullshit is unacceptable. I don’t care if you give me a response using terms I do not understand I’d rather get something than nothing.

Oh and for all the people who worked on Dynamic Skies specifically @ProfessorKJM I’m honestly disappointed in you, I thanked you in the previous post I made cause you were able to keep us updated with what you guys were doing. I stated you failed cause the last post you made was Dec 2020 and since then you did great but the last post you made now was September 30th of last year. I thought you loved us but I guess we aren’t that deserving of clouds after all :frowning:

Stay safe out there you never know when you gonna be thrown in the dark.


The videos don’t even work for me, is this even completely released?

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Your UI format might be wrong check out this video:


Can’t be, it works the first time I play it, but when I leave Studio testing, it doesn’t appear/work anymore. It’s just a blank white box. In the video you provided it says that it isn’t available yet, which is very unfortunate. I am really looking forward to this, but it appears this is dead for now.


No, it appears as a white box after your first test, but it still plays when you play it in-game
Unfortunately, that happens to me too, but it still works in-game.


Well, its December 1st. It really looks like they just hope people forgot about video frame. The fact that we see plenty events with video frames being used is really annoying. This should be open to all developers, but for some reason it looks like ROBLOX is just going to use this as a event only type thing. Remember the part where they said “We are working on our next milestone of allowing all of you to upload custom video content for your own experiences, so stay tuned for that!” or something along the lines of that. That post was made TWO YEARS AGO. Now I understand that moderation is a HUGE setback, however that does not explain the fact on why we’re not getting any updates at all. On ROBLOX RDC 2021, they stated that Videoframe will hopefully be released and put into the hands of all developers by the end of next year, which is now this year. I feel like I’m the only one thinking about this, but when Roxy stated “From cutscenes to tutorials to animated textures”. Now I’m pretty sure we’re all aware that animated texture have been released, aka flipbook particles. However when that update came out, I was really hoping for video frame to be up next, and I’m sure alot of people were too. But it really looks like it’s just not gonna happen.

I can only imagine the amount of disappointment that developers are feeling to this day. The fact that we aren’t given any closure and just left without no answers really add even more salt to the wound. The amount of potential that games are given with this technology would of been seen as revolutional. I’m just hoping that with the release of immersive ads, they start to work on video frames next.


Ay up Roblox. You might wanna push to push to get videoframes released soon. They have been in development for near 2+ years. I don’t really want to be waiting another year.


I’ve been waiting for a while lately, I really don’t want to wait another Whole Year For This Feature to Come Out.

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Yep, its basically assumable that Videoframe was trashed by ROBLOX hoping that we forgot about it. In RDC 2021, they stated that in 2021 Videoframe would be coming in next year. Looks like it’s 2023 now, no new updates, no new feedback, nothing but the sad darkness hiding the potential future of UI. Something really sad is that I see a small amount of people filing bug reports about videoframe, and all that other stuff. And you know what happens? They get the treatment of, “Our staff team is looking into this issue, thank you.” And the bug gets fixed shortly. They even updated the icon that you see in explorer for videoframe, so they know for sure that it’s not coming since they could of released a statement about unreleased features and their icons. Sad to see such a great feature go to waste. I understand there’s moderation and all, and how ROBLOX is trying to improve their moderation. But I still don’t think videoframe is coming because of the lack of updates and feedback that they have given us.


Maybe it would be funny to create a bug report about not being able to upload a video. I am curious what would happen.


So, how much longer? I wouldn’t want to become old and senile waiting for this to be released. Are ya’ll having issues with it or something?

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Gta 6 is gonna be released for we get any news on this


Still waiting… At this point other game development platforms are much more better, there’s just so much that Roblox could improve to make it up to stranded with other game engines.


I think they have completely forgotten about this amazing opportunity. I don’t blame them. They have larger issues, then again, they really are trying to overhaul events when they have these large issues.


It’s been almost 3 years since this announcement. I wouldn’t be so mad about this if they at least gave updates on the situation.

The people wanna know.

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