Intuitive Debugger Beta: A Complete Debugging Overhaul

  1. Not saving the breakpoints!
    If I close the project and reopen it the breakpoints are lost.
  2. Studio loses all currently opened script tabs when this beta is active. If I deactivate the beta, Studio is back to its normal behavior.

I appreciate your effort, but with the issues that I and other users have reported, it is currently impossible to get any benefit from this beta.

Here’s what I see when I hover over a table with this beta.

Here’s what I see without the beta. I really prefer being able to view expanded tables, so I hope this is an unintentional or temporary change.

That aside, I use the debugger all the time and really appreciate this beta and its potential. Thank you to the team!

“Rendering stopped for debugging…” kept showing on my screen after turning this thing on and I can’t use the studio, also I can’t turn it off

Edit: I was able to turn it back off, but will anyone know the cause and how to find it so maybe I could turn it back on?

Hi Qualadore,
Thanks for pointing this out. We are actively developing expandable tooltips for variables that work with the new debugger UI.

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Hi rogeriodec_games,
Thank you so much for your feedback. As this new UI is currently in beta, we are still actively working on developing this feature and making it better. I’d like to address each issue you mentioned here individually.

  • For Studio saving the column dimensions, this will be added to the beta in about 2 weeks. We have added this functionality, but it takes a while for changes to propagate to users.

  • Rearranging the columns sounds like an interesting feature for users to have, and I will talk with our design team about how it would look.

  • We do allow hiding columns for this beta, but only for specific windows where we felt like this ability would be crucial, namely where there are optional values users might want to hide. The Breakpoints and Call Stack window in particular have this feature. If you open the menu in the top-right of these windows, you will see a dropdown menu where you can toggle column visibility.

  • As for not saving breakpoints and losing currently opening script tabs when enabling and disabling the beta, this is something I cannot reproduce on my instance of Studio, and I would ask that you PM me a video of this behavior happening so that I can track down a fix for it more easily.

Thanks again for your feedback. Once again, we are still actively developing this beta, and we prioritize fixing issues with the beta mentioned by users, so we hope you check back with this beta soon to see the progress that we’ve been making.

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This is a great change, Roblox please keep this up! I understand everyone in the community won’t be pleased with every update, but changes like this help us loads!

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