Intuitive Debugger [Full Release]

Too complicated.
Sticking to print("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")


Awesome. Can’t wait to try it out.

Thank you! I would attempt to nail something and then accidentally break everything and have to resort to printing things a million times. :raised_hands:

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Hahaha… It might actually be more time efficient to just print the variables tho…

Oh it was sarcastic. I will still be using print because I use VSCode/Rojo.

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Seems like it would be for a pretty niche amount of users. I will still be using warn and print because there are less steps involved. Also since I use VSCode + Rojo often. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Write purely functional code and you wont need a debugger. Also just use VS code.

You have to understand not everyone has that liberty…

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