Inventory Saver isn't working

On the script you can basicly see

local clone = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(toolname):Clone()

this means the script in SSS will go in ReplicatedStorage and will get the tool.(and you are puting the tool in ServerStorage.)

So @ToxicalGamer2006 what should I do differently?

put the tools inside the replicatedStorage and not in ServerStorage this is why isnt working… :frowning:

Tools is not a valid member of ServerStorage “ServerStorage” error

also is game.ReplicatedStorage.ShopEvent:FireServer("toolname")

Where would I put that script?

Is ReplicatedStorge not ServerStorage

^^ this thing.

Like this?

ok now change this part:

to this

elseif ToolName == "Bow" then

FireServer can only be called from the client

this script need to be local and you are using one normal
I think I said before

There’s no need for that. Here’s how I did my inventory saver system

Create a table
Load Tools

you can pretty much loop through the items in the backpack, get their names, and insert it into the table

When the player rejoins, call load tools and it’ll pretty much add all the tools to players backpack(the tools copies must be in serverstorage)

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@PandaLikesCaps Do you mind If I can message you later?

Still doesn’t work

Sure thing, you can message me

It has to be FireClient, not FireServer.

you can save the tools with IntValues too…

that script (local) is for be inside the RS and not inSSS

Yeah, but that’s how I did it. Any solution works, there is no this solution is best or this solution is better

I think I am going to try tweaking it on my own ill text later if i need additional help.

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