You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I need help creating a saving inventory system for my scfi game, so theres this thing called a HoloGlass, which is basically a screengui supposed to be like a mobile holographic phone kind of thing, in the Tradermart app (the shop) you can buy items from there with ingame money, and once you do buy an item, it shows in the inventory app, and you can retrieve it by clicking on that item and it will add it to your player backpack, and you can put it back by pressing the V key while its equipped. All of that is already scripted. I just need it to save everything thats in the inventory app, and reload it once you join the game again. Each tool has an item ID inside of it, which apple is item id 1, and for example if a pencil was item id 2, for saving the data, in a table, it would show up as (1,1,2) for two apples and one pencil for example. But I need help with figuring out how to get every item inside the inventory scrolling frame with each of its linked item in the object id for saving it, and then looking through all of the item ids inside the items folder under replicated storage and recreating each of the item uis in the scrolling frame, because I’m bad at understanding for loops and I haven’t really needed to use them that much. -
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
The items in the inventory Ui won’t save. -
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I’ve tried looking at other devforum posts, which none of them really match the same thing I’m trying to do to actually help anything, and I tried AI which isn’t really working either.
After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!
This is my code from the AI that it scripted me if that will help any of you:
Server Script (server script service):
-- Services
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local InventoryDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("InventoryDataStore")
-- RemoteEvents
local InventoryRemoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events"):WaitForChild("InventoryRemoteEvent")
-- Get the inventory limit based on gamepass
local function getInventoryLimit(player)
local gamepassId = 13600173502 -- Replace with your gamepass ID
local hasGamepass = false
local success, result = pcall(function()
hasGamepass = MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, gamepassId)
if not success then
warn("Error checking gamepass for " .. player.Name .. ": " .. result)
return hasGamepass and 35 or 20
-- Save player's inventory to DataStore
local function saveInventory(player, inventory)
local playerId = tostring(player.UserId)
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
InventoryDataStore:SetAsync(playerId, inventory)
if not success then
warn("Failed to save inventory for " .. player.Name .. ": " .. errorMessage)
print("Inventory successfully saved for " .. player.Name)
-- Load player's inventory from DataStore
local function loadInventory(player)
local playerId = tostring(player.UserId)
local inventoryLimit = getInventoryLimit(player)
local success, inventory = pcall(function()
return InventoryDataStore:GetAsync(playerId)
if success then
if inventory then
-- Fire a remote event to ask the client to load inventory data
InventoryRemoteEvent:FireClient(player, "LoadInventory", inventory)
print("No inventory data found for " .. player.Name)
warn("Failed to load inventory for " .. player.Name .. ": " .. inventory)
-- Connect functions to Player events
-- Use a RemoteEvent to save inventory
InventoryRemoteEvent:FireClient(player, "SaveInventory")
Local Script (starter player scripts):
-- Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local InventoryRemoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events"):WaitForChild("InventoryRemoteEvent")
-- Function to get inventory from the GUI
local function getInventoryFromGUI()
local inventory = {}
local inventoryUI = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):FindFirstChild("Main"):FindFirstChild("HoloGlass"):FindFirstChild("Apps"):FindFirstChild("Inventory")
local scrollingFrame = inventoryUI:FindFirstChild("AppInfo"):FindFirstChild("ScrollingFrame")
for _, button in ipairs(scrollingFrame:GetChildren()) do
if button:IsA("TextButton") and button.Name ~= "Item" then
local linkedItem = button:FindFirstChild("LinkedItem")
if linkedItem and linkedItem:IsA("ObjectValue") then
local itemID = linkedItem.Value:GetAttribute("ID")
if itemID then
table.insert(inventory, itemID)
return inventory
-- Function to save inventory
local function saveInventory()
local inventory = getInventoryFromGUI()
-- Send inventory data to server
InventoryRemoteEvent:FireServer("SaveInventory", inventory)
-- Function to load inventory
local function loadInventory(inventory)
local inventoryUI = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):FindFirstChild("Main"):FindFirstChild("HoloGlass"):FindFirstChild("Apps"):FindFirstChild("Inventory")
local scrollingFrame = inventoryUI:FindFirstChild("AppInfo"):FindFirstChild("ScrollingFrame")
-- Clear existing items
for _, item in ipairs(scrollingFrame:GetChildren()) do
if item:IsA("TextButton") and item.Name ~= "Item" then
-- Load saved items
for i, itemID in ipairs(inventory) do
if i > getInventoryLimit(Player) then break end
local item = ReplicatedStorage.Items:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool", true, function(tool)
return tool:GetAttribute("ID") == itemID
if item then
local itemClone = inventoryUI.AppInfo.Item:Clone()
itemClone.Name = itemID
itemClone.Visible = true
itemClone.Text = item.Name -- Set button text or description
local linkedItem ="ObjectValue")
linkedItem.Name = "LinkedItem"
linkedItem.Value = item
linkedItem.Parent = itemClone
itemClone.Parent = scrollingFrame
warn("Item not found in ReplicatedStorage: " .. itemID)
-- Listen to remote events
InventoryRemoteEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(action, data)
if action == "LoadInventory" then
elseif action == "SaveInventory" then
Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.
I just want it to be able to save/load, I already have the rest of it scripted basicallly.