Inverse Kinematics Control Instance for animation is now in Beta!

This looks fantastic, great work!
Yes, feel free to DM me the characters that don’t work. Better robustness for all characters is something we’ll provide before exiting beta. Thanks

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Thank you for the details. I see, currently we don’t support rigs that are a mix of Motor6D and Bones, but we are working on supporting all rig configurations soon. I’ll make an announcement once we support those. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thats great to hear, but I dont believe the problems end there. Shouldn’t it be possible if the chainroot and end effector dont have any bones in the chain?

And on another note, I tried creating a custom rig of entirely just Motor6’s and the rig failed to move as well.


(LUA = Left Upper Arm, LLA = Left Lower Arm)

This update is insane!!


Thank you!
Here is a private link to the DM with the rigs so it doesn’t get lost:


This works really well! It’s something we’ve all wanted for a long time and you have definitely delivered on it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Going to be switching over all my current IK code to these once it’s fully released

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Thank you so much! Can’t wait to play around with this.

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I figured out what causes it. Editing the bone rig in Blender to be LowerTorso → UpperTorso → LeftUpperArm → LeftLowerArm got it to work properly. Removing LowerTorso or UpperTorso causes the behavior I described above.


I made a IK follow mouse script using this, you can change it all you want:


Thank you for providing more resources about the IK control! :raised_hands: Just want to touch base regarding the IK foot placement structure, not sure if there is any approximate timeframe that community can get access to such resource?


foxtest - Roblox Studio ( It’s doing it backwards now, on this rig?

I exported with your settings. How can I fix this?

How do I use this on a non-humanoid thing? I made something with a root part, and animation controller with an animator, and it was fully rigged, but nothing was moving at all. What do I do to make it work?

edit: I even used a humanoid, but I just can’t seem to get a custom rig to work.

it doesnt seem to work on r6 limbs at all, though i dont understand how the chainroot/endeffector would work for single part things like r6 limbs

I forgot to ask and I’m not sure if someone has asked before but;
what are the performance/calculation costs for Inverse Kinematics?

I assume this would also depend on how complex the rig is / amount of bones / etc.

But let’s say… if I for some reason wanted 50 - 100 R15 avatars to use it for their arms to hold tools correctly and legs to adjust to the floor below.
Would this run well? I currently don’t really have a setup to test this.

And will the IK instance at some point feature settings to change how many iterations/calculations per frame are allowed or change the quality setting?

I know some games or things in games probably don’t need high quality IK.
I’m not even sure what type of IK this specifically is as there are many ways to implement it but I’m going to assume it’s cyclic / iterative and works with steps.

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It’s not really necessary, since the point of Inverse Kinematics is to make a series of joints move in an orderly and *realistic fashion towards a goal. It’s basically like the Constraint mode/Physical dragger in studio that can move Robotic arms made of constraints.

So we don’t really need it to have any affect on R6, although it may be nice to have it as a simple “Point joint towards” instance.

Editing since I don’t just want to reply to a person; forgot to type out my thoughts since I’m late to this party.

Overall love this, I’ve so far messed around with procedural grabbing, and any sequence of movement it requires, such as crouching; as well as constraining the arms on a vehicle’s steering wheel which worked somewhat. Currently don’t have my external HDD with the files so no images or videos. :sad:

Overall; My personal Update rating is: [8/10] ████████░░


Yea I know why it it working on r6 doesn’t really matter, but it just seems weird they would say it works on r6 while it doesn’t actually work on r6.


It seems to not move anything to the target attachment

chainroot is a meshpart,
endeffector is a meshpart,
target is an attachment


Has anyone yet made an IK foot planting system, or is Roblox going to release a demo place file featuring the examples shown above?


how do Ikcontrol on the legs?..

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just realised the IK control couldn’t be toggled in live game yet at the moment and spent quite of a time putting IK into the experience :raised_hands: would there be any chance that we can choose to toggle the IK beta options in live game very soon in future?