Inverse Kinematics Module - Easy Solver

I believe ClampA and ClampB are how far the joints can stretch in radians.

make it R6 please bc there is none in the toolbox all R15

I want to speak out my gratitude for this amazing library. It took me a day before I was able to implement everything but it works amazingly well. There are a few points which I encounterd. You could consider those bugs but I see them as funny features.

Sitting on a bench

Amzing leg placement tho

Sometimes I wonder how flexible robloxians are

Elbows are nice too

Its just so much fun to play around with

I really would like to share more but I don’t give away my game concept yet. Anyway its not about me.
Thank you so much for this library and giving my characters charastics without the need of any animation.

The only thing I really would like to see is better documentation and a way to easily make movements global so other players see them too. Other than that, strongly recommend 8/10


I plan to update this module in the future to make it more readable + understandable, but right now I am busy with other projects. There will hopefully be better documentation by the time the new update’s released.

You can ‘easily’ make movements global just by adding an IK handler as a server script instead of a local script, except it would cause server lag if you were to have too many IK handlers that way. Instead, just replicate movement with local scripts. I can’t make this any easier sadly.

Also, those aren’t bugs, that’s just Raycasting being pushed to it’s limits (still funny).

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Is it working for bones?
Cause I can’t find anything ,about this.
By the way, could you make it work in the other way?
Like i’m sending you an array of points ,and you’re returning me in their positions in an array?
Cause i want to make it work for meshes.

--first index is a start
--last index is an end
local Points = {{Position = SomePosition,SizeZ = SomeSize},{Position = SomePosition,SizeZ = SomeSize}}
local InverseKinematicsModule = require(script:WaitForChild("IKModule"))
local NewPoints =

Please take a look at this video. While using your module, I saw this happening. Could you please let me know if there can be anything that is going wrong?

I believe this is due to you not caching the Motor6D’s C0.

well, it was catched.

One thing to take note is that when I move the arm end position away from the arm, the glitch will stop.
You can take this information and do stuf so yeah

thank you anyway

Hey there!
I’m trying to convert this module for Bones too, and I wanted to know what


OriginCFrame, TargetPos and Detach is