Thank you, thank you so much, I only just checked your commitments to the module a few hours ago, and realised there are some new changes (I have never used GitHub before so I never knew there was like a separate part to Releases, Commits), such as a new widget Tab, but for some reason, these new changes aren’t in the latest release?? Maybe that’s how GitHub works, I don’t know, seems a bit dumb.
Anyway, I added these new changes through each script in Iris, to only release a few hours later, I completely broke Iris now, but not to worry, I suppose I just cant use the new Tab widget and just waste hours of inconvenience and revert back to the previous.
I really think you should test it on mobile again because when I download the latest release from the GitHub, mobile just does not work whatsoever, the hovering interaction works, tooltips, etc, but tapping the button just does not work at all. That includes the Studio Mobile/Tablet Emulator, and a few Testers of my own with them testing the UI on their Mobile device. I thought maybe it was my game or something, so I decided to make the Testers test the Iris Demonstration place, and what do you know, the buttons didn’t work.
Also, I’m not sure if you know this or not, but MouseButton1Click does work on Mobile/Tablet devices so it wouldent the that, I even changed the MouseButton1Click connection to TouchTap just in case, in the applyButtonClick() function in Iris.widgets, but didn’t solve it at all.
The reason I’m using Iris on Mobile is because my game (obviously) is on Mobile (as well as PC of course). I’m not sure what caused this either, It’s strange, when I first found Iris and was messing around with it, Mobile was working perfectly fine, quite recently, It’s just… Not.
I don’t use Discord much, but anything to fix my game, though I’m not sure what the OSS Discord Server is. If that means the Unofficial Roblox one, then I would prefer to talk in Private Messages on Discord instead. Unofficial Roblox server isn’t very welcoming, well, for me at least anyway.
Hope to hear from you soon, thank you for responding!