Is anyone experiencing this error?


I keep getting this when I’m in studio

I have tried resetting my settings on roblox and I have disabled all my plugins

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Same here. Since the latest update I’m getting this message on new and existing projects.

Just got it right now…

Probably a roblox bug…

I just noticed it as well, so I’ll just add that to this thread.

i never in my live used the test function in roblox and since i pressed on it for the first time cause someone showed me there is a test function.

i pressed on it my studio closed updated itself then when i reopend studio i got the same error like you

It shouldn’t be a problem, and a fix will come for the error message soon.

Yeah just got it too, got two of the errors regarding that.

Everyone is having this error.

It’s an issue with the roblox corepackages (You can find these at %86programfilesroot%\Roblox\Versions$CurrentVersion\ExtraContent\Packages)
There is some code that has been reference in beta features that the flags are enabled for, but the code shipping flags aren’t, that the core packages don’t support yet. (Because they aren’t added)

Hm?, I didn’t get the error, maybe It’s because I didn’t update studio?

Edit: It was because of me not updating studio.

I think everyone who open roblox studio get this error It have to be a glitch