Is betting on players allowed?

So, I’d like to add a coliseum to my game where any players that want can fight each other in. It would include linked sword swordfighting, which would be totally isolated from any stat, item, etc they have, so it would be even. For these fights, I would like to make it possible for the player to bet on the winner. If 2 people bet on both players, the bet gets locked in. Winners gets all the bet cash split amongst themselves based on the percentage of money bet on that team.
This is to make spectating fun and make players more involved in the fights.

Is this allowed? There will most likely not be any way to purchase the money used on betting.


Yes it is allowed, almost the same idea is used in Sword Fighting Tournament by TheGamer101.


I’m not sure about that one. This could easily go under gambling (sports gambling that is legal but you still need to be in the age of majority to place bets). If I were you, I’d stay away from stuff that you’d be questioning whenever they’re not going against ToS.

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You are perfectly fine to do this if the currency that is being bet with is not purchasable. It’s currency that is bought with Robux that isn’t allowed, because it involves real life money in some shape or form. This is why at Sword Fighting Tournament , you are able to bet currency.


EDIT 06/20/2023

As of the same date of this edit, Roblox has officially moved to ban simulated gambling by September 18th, 2023 (in 3 months), which means that all forms of gambling are no longer allowed on the platform. This contrasts the prior stance to which, as long as there was no Robux involved, it could be passable.

The advice in this post is no longer accurate. Please avoid sharing this as an answer. For more information, please see Updating our policy on simulated gambling in the thread Create Experiences for People 17 and Older on Roblox.

Don’t fall into the trap of “because other games do it, it’s allowed” as some people above have posted. That kind of thinking is troublesome, especially if something isn’t allowed. Look at the circumstances, not whether or not others are doing something.

That aside, yes betting is allowed. Betting is, to my knowledge, treated in the same regard as gambling, thus it falls under standard currency usage laws.

  • Currency must be free and able to be earned through playing the game and completing activities.

  • Currency cannot be purchasable with Robux. Remember that Robux has real world monetary value.

  • If you separate standard currency from betting currency, you can allow an exchange system ONE WAY between betting to standard, not vice versa.

    • Exchanging standard currency for betting currency is considered indirect currency purchasing and enters a gray area as moderators will not be able to determine purchased currency from earned currency.

Speaking of the last point, maybe that’s what you want. Separate betting and standard currency and hold betting currency at a higher value. The more you have, the easier you earn spending cash.