Is creating a custom wait() function even possible?

Weird, maybe I’ll try to test it in a real game because I only test it in studio the whole time.

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Thanks! I’ve found what I want for my in-game animated intro, but how can I use it ? I put the script inside a modulescript in ServerScriptService

you require the modulescript via require()

then as usual

local modulescriptname = require(LocationOfModule)
modulescriptname:Wait() -- the amount of time you want to wait.
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So, sorry for the bump, but one thing to note is that DeltaTime is let’s say, … weird, when a session lauinches, if you wanna not have an issue with that, you can try doing Heartbeat:Wait() twice and seeing if that helps, before executing wait.

This was probably why you were having issues in the first place.

I recommend using DeltaTime solution opposed to using os.clock solutions most if not all the time. Especially if you’re working with UI or anything that’s using a RunService event really, anything client wise basically.

os.clock solutions don’t suffer from this issue but they aren’t great.

The problem is that frames don’t actually start rendering after a pretty good amount of time after the session actually starts, therefore you get these 4.5 numbers, the first frame messes up the rest.

I recommend you look into this reply for better understanding.

I actually even suspect Roblox’s wait might be doing this as well. (not task.wait)

A normal DeltaTime based solution will pretty much always return way higher differences for much time it says it takes, and how much time it actually did than what’s seen above.
