I’m currently making a keyframe-like system, which each frame it will loop through and change the value of the relative objects.
The question is: Should I use only 1 JSON string value or make a bunch of different values? (IntValue, StringValue, ObjectValue, etc…)
And if JSON is better, is there any plugin for me to generate a JSON string fast? Like trying to get the JSON string for each value in each keyframe would be very tedious? Or do I have to make my own plugin for my game?
I don’t know if you have seen yet but there is a recently added attribute feature. If you are trying to set up properties with intvalues or numbervalues, you can instead use attributes. If this isn’t helpful at all, could you please clarify how you are using JSON string values in coordination with the object values?
how you are using JSON string values in coordination with the object values
I set the name of the object as the key, then I loop through a set of objects that can be changable, if its name exist here, I change the property of the object.
And yes I’ve seen attributes but I’ve never really thought about it, I’ll try it out.
After a while of thinking, I realized that I can use ObjectValues with attributes that I want to change to apply for the objects without using JSON at all. It will also be easier to change. Thanks for your help!