Is it possible to get a ModuleScript's text outside of studio?

Is there a way I could get the contents of a open sourced ModuleScript published to roblox, by its website id?
In other words, getting the script from a ModuleScript, without using roblox studio.
Just grabbing the text from the web somehow?

Some friends of mine already denied it being possible, but I thought I would ask you guys.

Thanks! :smile:

You can download an open source model from the link<model id>
The file you get is in the Roblox model format and you should be able to open it with Roblox Studio (after you rename its extension to .rbxm)
I also just found this library which can help you decode the file outside of Studio.

It is possible but not easy.

local id = 000000; -- id goes here
for i,v in pairs(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" do
	v:Clone().Parent = (workspace)

copy the above code into the command bar, replace the id and hit enter. In the workspace should be all the objects from the id.

This answer was taken from here.

Wait to be clear, you are trying to get the text in a module script that is outside of roblox studio, so you can put it in studio?

You can just use:

local OpenSourcedModule = require() -- TheModuleIdHere

And it should be able to use the module, assuming it is public and not private.

No. I was wanting to be able to get the code inside of a module script, outside of lua. Using python or javascript for instance.

I wanted to be able to perform this, except not from lua. Somehow obtaining it from roblox’s web servers.

I don’t think this is possible.

@ExcessEnergy Yes is possible, i created a plugin for this
This is very basic the plugin have 60 line of code is just using GetObject and set it in your workspace

I hope my plugin will help you

For outside of studio Yes is possible, using extension im using BTRoblox on Firefox

*Note loading script ont the web take a lot of time, in studio is more fast

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That is amazing that BTRoblox can do that! Thanks for the tip! Do you how they do it, so I could replicate it myself in a application?

No, I don’t know, he must be using the Roblox APIs, but I recommend that you go through the studio as is really easier and fast