Is it possible to have a graphics setting requirement?

So in my game, I want it so that no matter what, almost everything is rendered at once. To achieve this, the graphics settings would need to be at least 4. Can I impliment a script that makes the lowest selectable graphics setting 4? If so, how would I do this?

Note: If possible, I would also make it so that if anyones setting is, by default, below 4, it would bump it up to 4.

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You can check their gfx level locally and stop them from playing if its below a certan amount, this can be bypassed with exploiters however if for some reason someone is determined to play your game on a low gfx setting.

You could just change this number to the Graphics Requirement you want, which would be >= 4

I don’t think you can forcefully change a LocalPlayer’s Graphics, only they can change the quality of what level they exactly want

But you can provide them with a slight warning or reminder to increase your Graphics Quality to 4, that’s pretty much it though

Some reasons why:

So I think I’m going to just make a loop that checks it, like the first post you linked said. Then, if it sees the player’s settings are below 4, it will halt the game for them, show them a message screen, and won’t resume the game until they change it. It’s a bit mean if the player is on a low end device, but if the core of the game isn’t rendered, it would be hard to play anyway. Thanks for the help!

Dont use looops! use connections. Example

local ClientSettings = UserSettings():GetService("UserGameSettings")

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