Is it possible to import a video into studio?

I have been questioning this question for so long since I started this development and I wanna share it with you guys here on the dev forums.

Is it possible to import a video in Roblox Studio?

I’m not questioning to really import a Video in Studio but my point is that if you can import an image that moves like a GIF.

Also please let me know if i’m in the wrong section. I can’t really see a good forum category for this.


No, it ain’t possible yet, All you can do is tween the UI or change images to form a kind of slideshow.


You can test out videoframe but when you publish the game, videoframe will not work or not be playing xd

here the article how to do that in Roblox studio

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Unfortunately, I do not believe this is possible at the moment.

However, I thill think you can create a movie-like effect by creating a slideshow or animation made of multiple images.

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You can achieve this by creating a sprite sheet. A sprite sheet is an image that consists of several smaller images or animations, arranged in a grid-like layout.

You can grab your GIF and use an external program or website to turn it into a sprite sheet.
Turn gif into sprite sheet – Very helpful tool

Here are few tutorials/posts as well…


Well guess what just happened today, Videos are now a thing in roblox I guess.

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what do you mean by that @Noob66662

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