Is it possible to make an fps limit?

I want to make a game in 24 fps, but I am unsure if it’s even possible to begin with. If it isn’t possible, is there a way to simulate the effects of 24 via scripting like making physics run in 24 fps or something? Came to forums because I couldn’t really find a straight answer anywhere. If there is a resource I can use like a video or website, I’d like to see it if I could. Thanks in advance.


I’m not sure about that, but maybe you could make a viewport frame, and clone all the workspace to inside, and just reload 24 times per second
This can cause lag, but it’s the only way I’m seeing in Rohlox. (I already did it for a test of record system and worked)


I’ll try this out and see where I get, thanks for the suggestion.

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I’m sure there is a way, and this would look cool. However you need to remember that lots of players already struggle with frames and artificially lowering it may make the game unplayable for some.


Due to the reason you mentioned, I’m probably not gonna use it. I’m gonna make my game more open-world and having that many objects doubled is probably gonna cause some issues, I’ll keep on searching for a solution though.

You can just change the MaxFPS variable to 24.
(Also this is obviously a client script.)


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