Is it possible to send and receive data from proxies?


Just a simple question; Is it possible to send and receive data from proxies on Roblox, and is it allowed?
If it isn’t possible, then what else should I use?

Also I do not want to use this for Roblox API, but for a project I’m working on with custom multiplayer functionality (so we can have lobbies without teleporting. if it already exists then lmk)

Thanks, I’m new to proxies/servers, and I’d like to learn how they work!

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Search roblox proxy on the devforum and you will have your answer.

Yes, you can use proxies to access resources, however using any free community ones are unreliable and its recommended you make your own. There are some open source projects which give you the code and all you have to do is upload & host it.

No, it is not a bannable offence as far as I’m aware, however its encouraged that you find a way to perform what your wanting to do via ingame apis or the cloud apis. Its also more safe as you wouldnt have to be copying your roblox session id around.

Just remember that if you do make a proxy, create an alt account to get the session cookie, dont use your own account.

I assume you are meaning things related to Roblox API.
I am not trying to access Roblox API, since I don’t need that right now.
Sorry if this comes off as rude, by the way. I couldn’t think of another way to write it.

Please further explain what you mean by proxies on roblox? Do you mean cross-server messaging? i.e. being able to send data from one server to another?

If so use messaging service. As it relates to your custom multiplayer goal, see this: MessagingService: Creating an 'infinite player server'