Is it possible to send data across a teleport to reseved server?

I’m trying to make a game that has free play and a story mode, But I want the player to decide the mode in the lobby then get teleported to the Gameplay place and have the mode they chose (Free Play or Story mode) Sent over to the new server. Is this possible?

I’m aware that I can send data to local scripts with teleport service, but I want to send it to the server, not the client

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I’m not entirely sure what you are asking here. If you want there to be a lobby and then Free Play and Story Mode places, couldn’t you have your lobby, then your two buttons, then each button sends you to a different place? I might just be misunderstanding this, but I do hope this helps!

Hey jsnotlout1!

Read this article below for more information.
Serverside method of getting player teleport data - Updates / Announcements - DevForum | Roblox

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Well, I wanted to have one single place that could handle both gamemodes.
Basically, I need a way to tell the server which mode the player chose when they get teleported to the new place

Oh! Sorry! In that case, I recommend you check out what @arccitecc said, I think it could help!

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I think this is what I need, suprised I couldn’t find it before lol

No need to be sorry, I suck at explaining stuff lol

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Scroll down to ‘Sending Teleport Data’

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