Basically, as you seen in the title, i want to know the difference between using roblox bindable events, and making my own using module scripts. What’s faster?
I know there is some posts before around this, but it does barely answer my question in a professional precise way. so i can finally rest in peace
I’ll be using the events in all my OOP classes. and a little bit of time ago, i seen someone saying that implementing your own module is better than using BindableEvents. since BindableEvents have a lot of data in place.but my guess is that it’s made in C and roblox already did a lot of optimizations on it.
So am not sure, I have +3 years of experience with Lua, and until now i was using BindableEvents in my implementation for OOP.
I would like to get your thoughts or even message me in my discord CodesOtaku#8327. to exchange some information. basically my goal is to improve more as much as i can.
There’s nothing wrong with using BindableEvents. However, some people like to make their own event modules because they can customize it and add new features.
I tried making one myself using coroutines, but I wasn’t able to properly implement :Wait() or :DisconnectAll(). I have a post about it here: Issues with my event system
If i feel like custom module will be better. I’ll hopefully implement it and share with you my implementation. I think am confident enough to make it. but again am not really sure about performance.
Through i like compiled code like C++ because you know exactly how things works and how it translates your code. but since roblox Luaua source is hidden. we don’t have much info about what’s changed and how roblox bridge C with lua. also what steps, they taken to optimize.
and i feel like bindable events can be more performant in term of speed if it’s implemented in C. But again I can’t confirm anything!
and that’s what hurting my mind
The difference between using bindable events versus creating your own wouldn’t bear much effect on performance, however I have seen people create there own events in modulescripts as you are insinuating. It really is up to your preference and what result you are trying to achieve.
Yes for sure. it comes down to the milliseconds. but in really sophisticated games, it can be worth it when there is hunbreds of events floating around. at least i think so