Is Knit framework really useful?

Sometimes when working with other people frameworks, I encounter something called “Knit”, and I’d like to know if Knit is really that useful so I can put some time in that to learn it

Thank you!


I think some people find it useful, but I think it also depends on your background. I personally didn’t like Knit as it hid some of the Intellisense functionality. It’s really a personal choice, it’s worth checking out and seeing if it helps you or not. Knit is particularly useful if you’re using a VS Code/Rojo workflow so you can structure your code better.

Personally, I have designed my own informal framework where I have a bunch of “Services” in ReplicatedStorage and those have both server and client code and I use events to communicate between the two. That works really well for me, and I still have full Intellisense capabilities.

People have also brought up Matter as a Knit alternative. All up to you.


Here is the opinion of the person who created Knit:

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All frameworks on roblox are useless. All they do is overengineer simple stuff. Knit is also outdated as stated by its creator

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I also created this tutorial in response to your post. Thought it might be helpful for you or others.